Such Divine Madness

May 01, 2008 21:48

There were no warm smells coming from the kitchen, no food stains in odd places, there were no crazy items on the table and there was a distint lack of Insanity in the kitchen. In short there was no Del, she wasn't there but she wasn't really anywhere right now. Except when she remembered and looked around the room she was in and knew what she had ( Read more... )

asher talos, mohinder suresh, t-1000, joey tribbiani, delirium, sandor clegane, jack harkness, dr. greg house, chris perry halliwell

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Comments 107

skybot_snd May 1 2008, 22:06:37 UTC
The clinic was located right next to the IPD office, which made the T-1000's current presence there almost unavoidable.

Del wasn't a mission, not precisely, but preventing harm was a part of his duty. He couldn't help her locate Bob. He couldn't help her change or adjust.

He'd failed.

He wasn't unaccustomed to failure, but it never quite fitted into his view of how things should be.

Watching her from the doorframe, he attempted to find a motive. Maybe she was trying to return to her origin point by terminating her current existence. Maybe she was hoping to reencounter her sister Death who'd called herself Didi. Maybe there was no reasoning at all behind her actions, maybe she was just trying to stop the pain.

And even though she hadn't accomplished it, she looked halfway there.

"Hi, Del," he greeted simply, taking several steps to reach her bed. "I don't like that word either."


endlessdel May 1 2008, 23:06:11 UTC
"whiCH ONe? thEY'rE ARe so mANY, FLoating Like bUTTERFLies and i caN'T Grasp thEM ALL." Delirium said, speaking to the ceiling who was talking to her. It was only after a moment that she even realised that it wasn't the ceiling talking to her. "Oh, hELLo auSTin."


skybot_snd May 1 2008, 23:13:37 UTC
"No," the T-1000 clarified, standing by the side of her bed. "It implies a restriction. A human restriction." Which meant the constraints were there artificially, and he didn't always see why he needed to abide them. "Like 'no biting'."


endlessdel May 1 2008, 23:28:48 UTC
"oR nO kiLLing yOURSELf, she toLD me that mY sistER BUt i diDN't Listen and thEN thEY HAVe puT me hERe and i can'T BREATHe and it HURTS." Delirium said, yelling that last word in case one of them came to her. No, they wouldn't listen. They just pretended to. "i Like bitinG, biTing is GoOD AND BLood can TASTe so Yummy. Like wARM kittENS on the sNOw."


halliwell_angel May 1 2008, 22:14:11 UTC
Chris had went to breakfast, like it was a normal day. He expected to see Delirium and Barnabas. He expected Barnabas to have that long suffering look he somehow managed no matter what. He expected to have a nice talk and end up doing dishes. What he found himself doing instead was practically running around the Compound looking for her getting more worried moment by moment.

He finally ended up at the clinic, and he was just at the doorway when he heard her. "Del?" He asked softly coming over to her. He hadn't known, hadn't been there and he felt like shit. He reached out, but couldn't bring himself to take her hand.


endlessdel May 1 2008, 23:09:10 UTC
Delirium stretched her hand out as far as it would go towards the ceiling. Touching the madness that lay just beyond her reach. They were all just beyond it; her family, her death and they wouldn't let her take it. Delirium let her hand drop to the mattress tiredly.

Closing her eyes, Delirium opened them and looked at Chris sadly. "hELLo, diD you coME TO HELp me?"


halliwell_angel May 1 2008, 23:12:44 UTC
He gave a weak smile. "I'd help you if I could, but I don't know that I can." He couldn't even help himself most of the time.

He found a chair and pulled it up beside the bed. "Do you mind some company?" He'd leave if she wanted, but he would feel right about it. He still didn't know exactly what happened, maybe he should ask one of the doctors eventually.


endlessdel May 1 2008, 23:15:04 UTC
"iT's eASY you juST pUT The piLLOW ovER my mouTH AND press down. mY Lungs woULD HAVe to stoP singing thEN," Delirium said, the sad look on her face disappearing with the increasing and overwhelming madness. "iT's so quiET in hERE AND THey kEEP giving mE things, bad thiNGS. yES, kEEP Me compANY."


asher_talos May 1 2008, 22:21:03 UTC
Asher despised doctors and hospitals and medicine in general. He knew it had come a long way since he was last human, but one bad house call was enough to make him uneasy, even five-hundred years later. He'd been to the clinic a grand total of two times in the ten months he's been on the island. The smell alone turned his stomach, all latex gloves and sterile wipes and tubing. The blood farms had a lot of that stuff, too, but they smelled different. There wasn't any hope in the air there, the tubes weren't used to put life back in, but to siphon it all away.

Del hadn't been at breakfast that morning, and it didn't take too much effort to find out why that was and where she was instead. He hid his discomfort easily enough when he walked into the room and over to the bed Del was assigned to, silent the entire time. And maybe he wasn't the one admitted, but he still wanted to know where his fucking lollipop was. He hated this place.


endlessdel May 1 2008, 23:13:06 UTC
It stank in here. It forced its way down her nose, her throat and burned her insides up. She wanted to throw it up but they didn't believe her. She hated hospitals, hated clinics but they wouldn't let her go. She didn't know why, it wasn't like dying was permanent. Not for her anyway.

Delirium stared at the ceiling, reaching out to touch it and letting her hand drop back to the bed. Her eyes locked on the man, Asher's, for a moment. "hELLo," Delirium said with a tired smile.


asher_talos May 2 2008, 00:16:58 UTC
"You missed breakfast," Asher said, unnecessarily. "Or breakfast missed you. I'm not sure."

Moving nearer to the bed and pulling a chair along the way, he looked up at the ceiling and got and eyeful of... well, ceiling. Setting the seat beside the bed, he sat down heavily and sighed. "Hi." That probably should have come before the breakfast thing, but he wasn't good at this stuff.

"I would have gotten you a balloon with something cheesy written on it, but this place doesn't have a gift shop." He didn't understand why people received balloons when they were in the hospital, but it seemed almost mandatory.


endlessdel May 2 2008, 00:31:31 UTC
"thEY woN'T LET me oUT untiL i sTOP tryinG TO kiLL MyseLF," Delirium said simply. As if the ugly bandages around her wrist wasn't obvious enough. "i miSSEd BREAkfast Too, it WAS EMptY in MY HEART and sO LoneLy."

Delirium reached out with her good hand to try and get Asher. She couldn't feel her other hand properly, it was numb and tingly. She couldn't really move it properly either. "yOU SHouLD havE BLOwn uP COndOMS thEN WE coULD HAVe uSED THEM AFter theY expLoded," Delirium said grinning at him crazily.


how_youdoin May 2 2008, 03:47:31 UTC
Having not seen cake lady at breakfast, Joey kind of felt like he'd sat down in front of the TV to watch his favourite show, only to have it cancelled. It wasn't even particularly the food that he'd missed. His stomach was full despite Del's absence; it was happy. Though admittedly, not as happy as it would have been had it been fed her tart again.

He'd heard things, kept his ears open and finally found out she was in the clinic. Joey hadn't even known there was a doctor house here. He'd comforted himself with the thought that maybe she was there for a foot fungus infection or a suspicious looking rash. Something that could be treated.

When he poked his head in and caught sight of the bandages around her wrist, his comfort levels plummeted. Pulling the pineapple he'd brought in front of him, he ventured inside the room.

"I woulda knocked but..." He pointed over his shoulder at the door. "....I forgot to."


endlessdel May 2 2008, 09:51:58 UTC
"tHAT's oKAY, i foRGot toO." Delirium said, looking at him. What was his name? Joey, yes, stomach on legs. "fORgot EVerything and Then thEY MADe me rEMember agaiN. yOU have niCE Hands, ARe thEY FOr mE?"


how_youdoin May 2 2008, 12:24:05 UTC
Joey could sympathise in his own way - he didn't exactly have the best memory either. He'd missed enough auditions back home as proof of that. "Uh, sure. Here." He held out the pineapple to her, figuring she meant to ask if the fruit was for her instead.

He dangled it next to the bed, even as he reached and pulled a chair up to sprawl on, hoping she wouldn't mind too much. "You know what you oughta get?" He waited a beat for emphasis; it really was the world best invention. "Magna-Doodle message board. You'll never forget anything ever again."


endlessdel May 2 2008, 15:49:51 UTC
"wHat's a maGna dooDLe, is iT LiKE THe mAGNA Carta?" Delirium asked taking the pineapple, kissing it's spikey bristles fondly and putting it in bed with her.


misanthrope_md May 2 2008, 05:19:11 UTC
House knew there was a reason that the lack of anti-psychotics in this place concerned him greatly.

He watched her for a minute, standing in the doorway. It looked like Chase was her doctor, not that that was surprising. He seemed to pick up patients like strays.

Not that House wanted her. She was crazy. Diagnostically uninteresting.


endlessdel May 2 2008, 09:49:20 UTC
Delirium closer her eyes tightly, hoping the monsters would go away before opening them quickly. They were still there, waiting for her. She couldn't play with them anymore, they were just there for show. A sign of her madness. Delirium reached out to touch them and frowned. Turning her head she stared at House, sanely for a brief moment before smiling at him.

"GranDfather!" Delirium called out happily


misanthrope_md May 2 2008, 15:21:05 UTC
He sighed. "I really wish you wouldn't call me that. I'm not sure what I find more disturbing, the implication that I'm that old or that we're related."


endlessdel May 2 2008, 15:44:22 UTC
"You'Re NOT OLd, yOU'Re mUCH YOUnger than Me bY MiLLions and squiLLions anD triLLions oF YEARs." Delirium said, pulling absentmindedly on the bandage on her wrist. "yOU savED sissy, thAT was impORTant aND yOU GEt an iMPORTANT name. i COULd aLWAYS caLL yOU MonKEY pEnis saViOUR of thE WOrLD aND STUFF buT i LikE caLLing yoU GRANdfathER, eVEn if it isn'T TRUe."


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