Jill was a fair hand at cooking. She'd done far too much of it afield, especially when it was weeks of a Marshwiggle's cooking versus whatever Jill and Eustace could rustle up. After that, it'd been good English cooking, until they'd ended up...
Until she'd been on what she supposed now was the front. She'd helped make food for the ragtag army, from the raw meat for the Dogs to the men who'd joined them. There hadn't really been a lot of other women, just the occasional camp follower. She went directly from there to here, eating whatever was in the kitchen for almost a year before... now. Now, she lived with Bart and Tim, and they always cleaned up, but they were both hopeless in the kitchen.
She'd made good, sensible food. Stews, things that could be cooked long and slow, that kept even sort of well in the tropical heat, but then... then there was New Years. That opened a whole new world of food, and that lead her here. She'd left a note in the treehouse, and now she was armed. Potatoes, palm oil, a pan that looked suitable, and a metal slotted spoon.
Today was chips.
She hummed
Bless Em All on the Siegfried Line to herself without thinking, kind of hoping someone else would wander into the room. Every once in a while her eyes would flick to the dark windows, the sun having set over two hours ago, and she'd remember yet again how small the room was.
But she could do this, and she was working on it, scrubbing potatoes even though she hated doing it. Maybe she could branch out to fried meats, after this. She'd really liked chicken nuggets.
OOC: Gathering post, open to all! Jill is making french fries not potato chips., and would be more then happy to share. Great time to meet her, for all that she's a bit antsy. <3 PS, those from around WWII - the song was one of the top hits in Wartime, with the Allied troups (Esp. Canadian, Brit, and American), so they'd prob. know it.