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Jun 13, 2005 16:40

yo dudes.. well this one i have been pondering for a while, not being able to form my words in my head well enough to write 'em down on this dealy but i guess the thing that finally put me over the top was the fact that my mom and my sister left to mexico today... i started thinkin, i mean i know ill miss them and stuff for obvious reasons like the fact that they are my family and all that jazz.. but also cuz in the end, everyone we know and have known throughout our lives, WE HAVE STOLEN SOMETHING FROM THEM. well not materialistically of course, (and this isnt my point in the entry so ignore the CAPS)...but they do things, say things, behave in certain ways, and just flat out influnce u and u keep these things with u... so i know my sister i will miss mainly cuz she is the funniest person i know, and im not just saying that because shes my sister.. its a true story dudes! shes the funniest person i know.. all my friends that meet her like her better than me!! so yeah my sister i got figured out but i when i was like " dude, im really gonna miss my mom" i couldnt think of why except for the fact that shes my mom and u cant help but miss ur mom. so this is when my thoughts started clicking... i was like "dude, what have i STOLEN from my mom?" and the best answer i could come up with was DICHOS! (like "sayings" or some crap like that). all my life, all i could ever reember is my mom telling me stuff and then giving me one of her DICHOS and for the most part i got to learn them through the years. but, the one that has always gotten to me is the one that goes "NO HAGAS COSAS BUENAS QUE PARECEN MALAS NI MALAS QUE PARECEN BUENAS" (for those of u that dont understand my butchered-ass spanish i occassionally use, this literally means "dont do good things that appear bad nor bad things that appear good") and for the most part i like that one... BUT SUDDENLY I WAS LIKE WHOA! NAH DUDE THAT ONE IS WRONG! its funny cuz ive felt this way my whole life and never thought about how this dicho was contradictory to my way of seeing good and bad.... SO HERES MY THESIS DUDES--check it... that dicho is only half right. for sure u shouldnt do bad things that appear good cuz that makes u a FUCKING ASSHOLE! but tats not the big thing.... THE OTHER PART BEING WRONG IS THE BIG THING!!!! my mom would say NO to doing anythign that could "mainstreamingly" be perceived as bad--EVEN IF U MEANT WELL-- but i say "GO FOR IT DUDES!" cuz not everythign we do will be liked by all and if we go by what is socially contructed as good and bad we wont discover who we are and where we stand on contraversial "gray issues" (black and white being bad and good respectively) see, what bites the dicho in the ass is the fact that it doesnt include a clause stating that if u have GOOD INTENTIONS ur all set. FIRTS EXAMPLE--in the simpsons episode where flanders house is the only one torn dopwn by the huricane, HE GOES NUTS. he finally snapped and he ended up in the mental institution (under his own free will, mind u. he was REAL messed up) and so everybody thought it woud be nice if they got together and rebuilyt his house. so flanders gets out feeling better and he sees his house and hes like "gee thansk guys" or something like that and he goes inside for a looksy and discovers that his house sucks all forms of ass!! What the fuck, right? WRONG! he starts yelling at everyone and marge says the golden words "but we had GOOD INTENTIONS"-- to which flanders says somethign like "oooh we cant blame u becuase u had GOOOOOOOD INTENNNTIONSSSS!" (i love that line... i use it all the time but i always say it wrong and evrytime is a new variation).. but anyway, yeah they all suck at making houses.. and their suckiness caused flanders to regain his rage.. so in the end it turned out bad... but the fact that they had good intentions makes it all better... it becomes a GOOD THING THAT LOOKS BAD because meaning well will set u free. (ha sucks for u flanders)... TRUE STORY DUDES.. heres a cooler one... same shit different TV show... lol ... (hey man quoting tv shows is what i do so deal with it) so yeah, on that 70s show one time, kelso was cheating on jackie with laurie and all the guys know but jackie and donna dont... so episode goes on and hyde continually tries to get kelso in trouble at every oportunity to no avail... and at the end when donna finds out and discovers that eric has known this whole time, she gets mad at him whch puts him in one dilly of a pickle...she feels that by not coming out with it he did bad.. but he thiks had he said somethign, that woulda been bad. needless to say it all comes down to Hydes verdict and this is what he tells donna..... "U DONT RAT ON UR FRIENDS. u do everything u can to get them caught, but u dont rat on them." so with that, she knows that eric had (key words straight ahead) GOOD INTENTIONS! and what he did only looked bad. problem solved.. except for jackie, who took it pretty bad.... so theres two dudes!!!! and theyre both fairy credible because TV SAYS SO! but even then.... i still got one more that i hope puts this all to rest... since forever, i have alwasys told some of my friends that i would shoot them if it was for the better... obviously people didnt like this and they were like "dude u would shoot me? i thought we were buds!" so i had to make myself clearer-- i wont shoot u to kill u, but i would shoot u to injure u...like in the leg or something.. so thats what it became-- " dude, we are buds to such an extreme and i care about u so damn much, that i would shoot u in the leg if i needed to or if u deserved it." u know, for the higher good and stuff... and whadayaknow!?!!!!!?!?!! hollywood helps me out with my story once again! so in the movie speed (i think its speed), this one dude is being taken hostage by some really bad dudes (not even the ones that mean good man) and this othr dude has a clear shot at them so what he does is hurtful but genius at the same time.... HE SHOOTS HIS BUDDY!!!! IN THE LEG!!!! hell yeah! point for eddie!.. u see, he figured that if he injured this dude well enough, he would be a bad hostage and the bad dudes that dont even mean good would have to take a different person as their hostage.. and it worked! there u have it... something that is meainstreamingly considered bad is done for the greater good... and even better, another movie helped me arrive at my conclsuion! i dont know dudes.. u may say "eddie dude i beleived u when u said it.. good things that appear bad are still ok. u coulda ended it there! there was no need for this long ass life-story of an entry u ass!" but hey man... long-ass life-story entries is what i do... and besides...i was due wouldnt u say?.... hahaha whatever man.. i miss m mom and its her dichos that i stole from her... now when she gets back i gotta let her know shes preachin wrong .. which she wont like... but hey! its for the greater good, right? haha... keep it real dudes...
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