
May 30, 2009 13:41

Ahh, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, random banging is coming from the apartment upstairs that I think is construction...delightful!

It was suggested to me to post a picture of the patio garden, so I took one:

Left to right: you can just see the little mint plant peeking out, then the supposedly red bell pepper that is looking awfully green right now, then poblano peppers, basil, cilantro, strawberries, and more poblano peppers.

ZOMG I have a pepper growing! A little bell pepper:

And while I was in North Carolina, this little guy ripped open my bag of bird seed that I (stupidly) left on the patio:

But Ella is enjoying the show.

Today I plan to go get a DTV converter box with my gov't coupon before it expires. I hope there are some left...the switch IS in two weeks, as the people in the TV keep reminding me. Then maybe play with the dress I got at Buffalo Exchange (Anthropologie dress for $20!) for Jon's sister's wedding. And some spring (even though it's SO already summer in TX) apartment is too full of junk I don't need.

Oh, and the cork board/coat hanger Carmen and I made with help from a $4 hanging thingie from Goodwill and the mass of wine corks I've been saving:

cheeky squirrel, cork board, garden

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