Jan 27, 2010 21:07
I thought I'd blown it, I really did.
Saturday was spent in Manchester with Julian (Australian), Melissa(American) and Ian (Salford native) - RYM Nerdcons have gone global folks! That of course meant beer and pub meals.
Last night I met Clair straight from work, which meant more beer, a scrummy chicken pasta dish dripping with olive oil and then more drinks at Nicky's leaving do after.
Net result? I've lost three and a half pounds, making me Slimmer of the Week for the third week running, resulting in a potential lynch mob next week if I pull it off yet again...
Start Weight: 16 Stone, 10lbs
Last Week Weight: 15 Stone 13lbs
Tonights Weight: 15 Stone 9.5lbs - that's a stone in under a month - yikes!
Loss of: 3.5lb