Red Steel got shitty reviews >_>;jpoofNovember 20 2006, 06:24:59 UTC
Halo-style healing in CoD3? Hmm, I thought they had healthpacks in that game... Can't really remember how it was in CoD2. Oh wells. Sucks that it's so sensitive. I'd imagine you could tone it down somehow in settings, but if you control the aiming using the Wiimote I guess that's a whole different story.
Hmm, no memory card, good deal. Sounds promising. I'll... hopefully pick one up eventually. Probably when the hype dies down, when more games come out, or when I actually find the monies to buy it. I guess the latter is the most important at this point.
You listen to reviewers to decide what to buy?the_beany_oneNovember 20 2006, 06:29:08 UTC
CoD3 is really weird. Yes, you do aim with the 'mote, but you also look around with it. And it's WAY too sensitive, even if you turn down the settings. Red Steel, on the other hand, puts more focus on the accuracy of the weapons themselves than actual movement.
Oh yeah, another thing I forgot. The AI in Red Steel is DUMB. They will use these seemingly smart maneuvers like strafing you with two uzis blazing, and then ignore a pair of oil drums or a car that gets in their way and blows up, killing them. Only the swordfighters exhibit much real mental capacity. Game's still decently challenging, though.
My friend and I both got Wiis. Multiplayer is pretty great. We (Wii?) played Wii Sports and it's really nifty. Tennis is great, too. It detects backhand and forehand swings. Also, depending on when you swing, you direct the ball. Swing a little early and it goes to the side, swing when it's right next to you and hit it straight. Nintendo gets my props. ^^
Comments 5
The Wii uses Opera. Says so right on the box. And I saw it in action.
Hmm, no memory card, good deal. Sounds promising. I'll... hopefully pick one up eventually. Probably when the hype dies down, when more games come out, or when I actually find the monies to buy it. I guess the latter is the most important at this point.
Oh yeah, another thing I forgot. The AI in Red Steel is DUMB. They will use these seemingly smart maneuvers like strafing you with two uzis blazing, and then ignore a pair of oil drums or a car that gets in their way and blows up, killing them. Only the swordfighters exhibit much real mental capacity. Game's still decently challenging, though.
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