Wallpaper/Other Contest reminder!

Aug 27, 2009 22:34

Hey folks! I think we're gonna call it on the voting for the icon and caption contest, so I'm working on the PERRRRDY awards for those tonight and tomorrow while I'm in my boring math class.  Meanwhile, here's a reminder about our WALLPAPER/OTHER CONTEST!!  This one goes until the end of THIS MONTH.

Now, to prevent the issues we had with the icon conctest, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT IN THIS OR  THE OTHER POST TO LET ME KNOW THAT YOU'VE EMAILED AN ENTRY. So far I've gotten a bunch of wallpapers, but again, not certain if I got everything (and yes, there is nada in the spam folder).

I encourage you guys to give a shot at the "other" contest if you're feeling creative--Movie posters, cd covers, manips...ANYTHING! It's an awesome time to show off your creative side as we're all getting psyched up for the season!

Hope to see some more entries soon! Happy Creating!

You can view the rules for this contest HERE.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, I"VE ALMOST FINISHED OUR MOOD THEME!! *flails*


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