Good morning, and if I don't see you in the day...

Apr 16, 2006 22:26

...good afternoon good evening and goodnight"
-Jim Carey, The Truman Show-

Good memories, good memories, ah I remember when close friends used to sa I was all wrong for Linii, their words ring clear in my ears as I remember them , to them I was a "bad influence on her" I was going to make her "go bad"...oh such good times, I always enjoyed those cmments, always did..

The more I reflect on oyr relaionship however, the more I notice howmuch she's made me chnge, from my clothing stlye, to my whole way of treating people, even before our relationship as a couple began.

Hard to believe tha even when you're so far away from someone they can still have a pretty deep impact on your life.

Enoug of the past, nw for thepresent: well...after ten ,months of being an offical couple, we finall met on the 14th of april, it was around...8;00 pm...haha, I remeber, when we arrived, I aw her squinteing at the arrival gates, I couldn't tell if it was her or no...until my mom said Linii!" thenshe reacted...and I reacted...and we hugged...and all the worries about nif we would match or not...if there would be chemistry or not dissapeared...

hehehe....I'm alive...again...for the what now?....13th time?...who cares, the ting is I'm alive...

I ;love you Linii, my quenn of the fields of the never ending moon

A deam this must be
for only in dreams have I ever been so cloe
Afraid I am of sleeping again
Afraid I am of waking upo again,

Afraid I am of waking, waing up knowingthis magnifficent moment never was
Afraid I am

Those final secnds of the niht, of the day....of evry day...s our lips parted aay
Those last seconds I will never forget,
Your breath, your scent, your skin...your neverending beauty in the light of my devoted heart
everything was right n the world once again wen we kissed, when we touched......

As the first lovers greeted their new world, we welocmed our own new beggining

\From the most innocent caress, to the least of all, every moment our skin, our flesh, has becme one...every momet I will remember, Imy skinn will soul will remember

If this is but a dream, then I shall die asleep
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