I hvnt updated much because i have soooo much to post but too lazy to type XD!!
Apparently my brain doesn't work coherently with my motor... err.. nerve...? ahaha!! screw bio!
SO anyway, as you all know, today's the doom's day. Eventho I think Gaiksi is more worried whether her muka will look cantek on tv or not, but let's put that aside. I text Elda early in the morning, telling her that I'll be in school around 10.45 AM.. I came exactly an hour and 15 minutes later!!
The result is lower than what I've expected (3A1, 4A2, 3B3, 1B4) but I'm thankful.
My parents expected something better but they're happy so we went off to Chef&Brew and I ate a very cheesy and fattening meal, Baked Kurau!! Its a grilled fish topped with lotsa and lotsa cheese!!!
I haven't been touching anythin with high amount of useless calories for these few months so I topped up my happiness with 2 glasses of Sarsi and a special double burger at NIGHT!!!
FUH, I think I already gain a few pounds. Nevertheless, I am fine and dandy so that's all matter. Congrats to everyone who took SPM this year, good or bad its just a part and parcel of our life. It doesn't affect your very bright future regardless of how dark you think you are (notes to self)
I got a forwarded message from my Ril early in the morning,
"What is done is done. No letterings on paper may tell you how smart you are. No mere alphabets count as fortune teller to your future, for real, take it easy"
I know its hard due to peer pressure, family's super high skyrocket hopes and sibling's results but they (as in siblings)did not do the same exam as you did, so its bias for us to be compared with other people who took different paper. Its absolutely irrelevant in my opinion. Eventho my bro happily text-ed me that I have never beaten him, oh please, get a life. I am pretty sure my AddMath and Chemistry is way better than him but I never said a word.. I mean, look at the substandard of last year's paper. You wanna comment?? You can boost all you want but I'm myself and lose my self esteem that easily.. (and I don't want to be a doctor either)
I personally think SPM doesn't really play a vital role in our life. You can always try harder next time. Period. No argument please.
So people, please, I beg you, don't be emo, DO NOT do anything stupid..
Just relax and enjoy your life. There's so much more to look into the future.
And while the topic of the future is still so hot, I shall share my tiny plan..
I've decided to become an architect. I am not sure which route to take but I certainly hope I can get through UPU (I do not know what it stands for) and get into UTM for Diploma in Architectural Technology (KL) and hopefully after those long years of struggle, I have enough credit and money to get into oversea universities..