_name, age, location
Marielle. 18. Zillah, WA
_picture (please limit four & include one clear shot of your face)
art & literature:
_name a musician [or group] who has effectively changed your perspective or expanded your thinking. include lyrics that bear some significance to you, and describe their representation of your ideas & emotions.
I find Neutral Milk Hotel’s lyrics empowering and meaningful, but I’ll try to be original here and choose another band. Radiohead is significant to me for a few reasons. I am in awe of the composition of their music, especially on Kid A and Hail to the Thief. For lyrics, I am choosing one of their least electronica songs. “Stop Whispering” illustrates how learned or pious leaders may not accept a person’s beliefs or ideas, but that doesn’t make those ideas any less influential or true. I believe every human being has the right to express their thoughts and to be heard.
“And the wise man said
I don’t wanna hear your voice
And the thin man said
I don’t wanna hear your voice
Stop whispering, start shouting
Stop whispering, start shouting”
_explain, in depth, a particular work of art that you find meaningful, and its importance to you on a personal level.
I choose one of my paintings for this section. On the right arm are two tattoos; one is a Maltese cross (Independent skater brand…for me, representative of independence) and the other is a heart of devotion (I love Catholic iconography). On the left arm is the Kid A bear (I choose this because Kid A is one of my favorite albums). He is standing in an urban landscape (a favorite setting for me). As a background (in orange), I used part of a Rolling Rock beer bottle. Later, I wrote “the more I do, the less I feel” in small script on his shirt. He is labeled “ANGEL” because I want his image to represent a generation sprung from a wasteland society. A generation that can survive the elements while living in them.
Untitled, 2002-03, approx. 2’x3’, acrylic on metal.
_construct the following lists to embrace works of sentimental value:
Stand By Me
Edward Scissorhands
High Fidelity
A Hard Day’s Night
American Beauty
To Kill A Mockingbird
A Clockwork Orange
Death of A Salesman
T.S. Elliot
Chuck Palahniuk
Daniel Crabtree (a friend who is not accomplished as an author, but he writes beautifully)
Rio mp3 player
Notebook for writing thoughts, lyrics, sketches, and general notes
Handmade coffee mug created by a friend whom I have not seen in a few years
Mix tapes. They are nice for long drive to Seattle.
A good black pen. You have no idea how hard they are to find.
Vivitar manual camera
personal & political:
_what is one social ill you wish you could change and why? how does this affect you in your daily life, or in the lives of those around you?
I wish people would realize the cruelty of slurs and that they would be willing to discontinue usage. Something I hear on a daily basis is “That’s so gay, how retarded.” To nonchalantly insult homosexuals or the mentally challenged without any consideration is irresponsible and says more about the person saying it. Most people don’t mean any harm, but it goes to show how careless people can be. It also goes to show most people have a limited vocabulary.
_who or what has most inspired your intellectual growth and why?
I think my childhood environment was a catalyst for intellectual growth. When most kids were in public elementary school, my mother was home schooling me. After spending so much time around adults in the household (instead of in a classroom), I began to join in discussions with them. The time spent around intelligent adults spurted my maturity level, too.
_do you feel that you are prejudiced?
I suppose this relates directly to the previous answer. When I transferred to public school in the 6th grade, I had difficulty adjusting to my peer group. Often another kid would ask me what the word I said meant because it was “too big”. Because of this, I was ridiculed and labeled Weird because I “knew too much”. Eventually I reminded myself not to use multi-syllable words around them. No worries, though. I’m now well-adjusted and on my way to an art institute while the kids who made fun of me are high school dropouts who work at McDonalds.
_do you think it is necessary to be politically correct in a learning environment? a working environment?
I think it is necessary to be politically correct assuming everyone in the room is open-minded, intelligent, and unbiased. Since that is rarely (if ever) the case, no it shouldn’t be necessary. Learning is all about hearing different opinions and perspectives, even if you don’t happen to agree. If someone has an obviously bigoted opinion, shouldn’t they have the opportunity to learn something new and change if they decide? As for the workplace, people should use more discretion and common sense regarding what they say and how they act among others. If they are lacking in both areas, they should keep their mouths shut.
_in our generation, who do you feel deserves recognition as a genius, and why? what characteristics do they possess that are definitive of this title?
I think there are very few true geniuses in this generation. Some musicians and artists are more enlightened than ten politicians put together. Genius is a term applied more often to business tycoons than mathematicians anymore. I cannot think of anyone I want to label a genius, but it would have to be someone with common sense, an understanding of society, originality, and an eye for opportunity.
free expression:
_describe your greatest passion in life.
I am a designer, I always have been. I have explored many areas of interest (successful at many), but I always returned to art. Winter quarter of this year, I hope to be attending the Art Institute of Seattle for the graphic design program. I have met many artists who went freelance and never moved on to work professionally or earn a steady income. I feel very strongly about getting a degree as a designer so I can make the most of my talents.
_describe yourself in ten adjectives - five positive traits, and five character flaws.
_insert a picture, poem, letter, or paragraph that is symbolic of your personality.
Can I put my hand on your chest, hoping that the warmth from my palm burns a hole until I can see your heart, and tell it directly, that you mean everything to me?
-T.S. Elliot