Dec 27, 2006 14:54
Hello all! A more cheery Audrey here. I've caught up on sleep and though I miss Ireland terribly, I am truly enjoying the comforts of home. I'm so glad I got to talk to (or play phone-tag with) all of you, and I can't wait to see you! I wonder if any of you look different. My mom thought I would look different, but I don't. Hopefully no disappointment on Mom's part -- I couldn't tell. There are some differences though:
1. I am financially broke in ways I did not know were possible. Hmm... well I guess that's not soo different.
2. I am blinder than ever, as I have not managed to get new glasses yet...the new glasses I could have used last March. The new extreme brokeness may further prevent this, so look for a new, squintier-than-ever Audrey.
3. I have a new life plan. I want to move to Florence for a year. And marry an Italian? Maaaybe.
4. And, I almost forgot, I read Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, and LIKED it! So there's that.
But there are many similarities!
1. After a semester of 20 ounce, Irish-size pints, one 16 ounce American pint is still enough to give me a good buzz.
2. I still cannot immitate an Irish accent, except when saying "Here's to the ridin!" or "ye devil."
3. I'm still the lazy, jackass-ish, goofball you all remember, fondly, I hope.
Well, all that said, I am looking forward to getting back to Stonehill and making a marvelous second semester with all my friends! Also, I am remaining cheerfully optimistic about student teaching, but this optimism is really masking the panicky terror within, so don't be fooled! Noo... it'll be fine (see, I'm fooling myself as we speak).
ANYway, I want to hear how all of you are doing, so keep writing in those journals! And get ready for a semester of getting locked, gettin the ride, and getting the hell out of Stonehill (though we'll miss it).
Happy New Year, friends!