Sep 05, 2005 12:44
So, I owe an update on the mundane. Searched for a Job, AppleOne Temps agreed to place me, haven't heard from them since 2 weeks ago Friday ... so I'm giving up on them and continuing to look other places.
My mom is healing well, but slower than expected. She can put weight on her foot now, but still can't drive or do a lot of the household stuff. Enter me, the meanial labourer ... but I've enjoyed cooking again. Made an excellent brunch today of Breakfast crepes stuffed with egg, bacon and cheese with made from scratch Hollindase sauce drizzled on top. I love getting to be creative ... and any excuse to use my crepe pan is fun!
Holiday weekend is almost over, including my family's visit from my half brother (affectionatly referred to around here as "The Republican"). Now recently divorced and bitter (with one of the worst dye jobs I've ever seen) he's been a real treat these last few days. Ah well, all I had to do was cook for him and pick up the trail of crap he's left around the house. He's a worse slob than me and he's 20 years my senior.
What else am I forgetting... ohyeah, I SAW AVENUE Q!!!!!!! And for free no less! My friend that filmed the project I was working on hooked myself and a few friends up with Primo seats (10th row centre) for the best show I've seen in Vegas. Possibly, the best show I've ever seen live... Les Miserables is hanging in there by a thread though. Nothing like being in a room of 500 liberals that jump to their feet and applaude when the line "George Bush is only For Now" is sung. A fantasic show full of surprises that are even better than I imagined from the soundtrack. I highly reccomend everyone seeing this show ASAP! Also, another treat was seeing it with 2 of the original Bdwy cast members. A flawless show that comes in at 2 hours exactly. Just beautiful!
Other than that, My best friend is coming in for the weekend. Excited!!!! We're gonna paint the town purple! Starting another film project to film on the 17th of Sept. Things have been pretty okay lately. Hope they stay that way.