Need to Gripe for a Minute

Jul 19, 2005 16:47

The worst thing about being human is being sick. I hate it. I am right now having yet another sleepless night of swollen tonsils and vomiting. I can't go to the doctor because I have no health insurance, nor the $$$$ for urgent care or medicine. I had saved some penicillen from my last round of tonsilitus, but my dad took the rest of the bottle because he thought it would help his toe nail fungus. Welcome to my world.

So here I am, miserable. I spend my days in bed trying to rest and gargaling warm salt water for pain, and apple cider vinegar and warm water (believe me, it's just as delicious as it sounds) to try and remove the pus from my tonsils so that I can go to job interviews. Thrilling huh??

BTW, if anyone has some spare antibiotics, I have $4.85 to my name. It's yours. It's all I got.
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