So~ everyone else had a nice breakdown with a side of sobbing while watching the finale of Sherlock last night? If those people don't get ALL OF THE AWARDS I will be honestly surprised. <.<
Right then, first up, my thoughts on the second season of BBC's Sherlock! Spoilers ahead!
Those three episodes were some of the best television I've ever seen in my life. In a somewhat ill-advised, but so totally worth it move, I stayed up until the early hours of morning, waiting until the first streams were available. Thank you, people of the Internet, for making that possible. <3
I can't wait to watch all of them again soon - I probably missed lots of stuff in my utter excitement.
A Scandal in Belgravia: I really enjoyed this one - I was glued to my laptop throughout. I kept thinking that all of those plot points and the pacing should feel really
disjointed and jarring, but it didn't. The beginning was funny, if somewhat anti-climactic. I liked it. :D Irene Adler was fucking amazing and there was some great chemistry between her and Sherlock. (Also, I do appreciate that there was a reason for her to be naked. Very clever, Miss Adler. <.<) In hindsight, the ending is really cheesy, but at the moment, it was very emotionally satisfying, so I really don't mind.
This was a great opener for the season and got me even more excited for the other episodes. However, I still don't understand what Sherlock is saying before he opens the safe! >.<
(Oh, and a plane full of dead people? Scary. <.<)
The Hound of Baskerville: While I did like this episode, I feel like I can't really talk about it before seeing it again. Unfortunately, my viewing experience was not so good, because the bloody stream kept freezing up. I'm pretty sure it would've had a bigger impact on me if I'd seen it properly.
I was very amused to see Russel Tovey in this, considering the fact that I know him only from being human, where he plays a werewolf. He did a lovely job, didn't he?
The humor in this episode was really well done, as were the character moments. (asdfghjkl the apology <3). Lestrade was awesome, and the mention of Mycroft is honestly all I need to start shipping them in earnest. (Not that I needed an excuse. :D)
The Reichenbach Fall: Uh. So. Where to begin. I just have all of the feelings for this episode. D:
As a lot of people said, I don't mind waiting for over a year if it gets us something as epic as this. Saying that this is the best thing I've ever seen on TV (or, you know, my laptop screen) is probably not very hyperbolic. In a way I think they did the same thing here as in ASiB, except even better - there was a lot going on, but not even once was I distracted. The plot was amazing and incredibly well executed. I was just blown away by it.
Now then: things that a) I loved b) wrecked me completely or c) did both:
- The opening broke my heart already. By then I knew there was no way I wouldn't be a sobbing mess at the end. <.< I'm so emotionally invested in these characters, it's ridiculous.
- John's concern for how Sherlock is seen/treated by others. John punching that police dude in the face. John's heartbreaking, unwavering belief in Sherlock. Ugh, this relationship, you guys. I can't even handle it. <3
- Molly. Just, Molly. <3 That scene where she tells Sherlock that he looks like her Dad before he died? Dear god. And she finally got to do something! Or at least we can assume she did. <.< There are some very exciting theories out there as to how they faked Sherlock's death, and I can't wait to see all of them explored.
- The reporter lady! At first I thought they were going to do a 'Haha, look at these silly fangirls' moment and was ready to be annoyed, but then they didn't and I was glad. :)
When she repeats Sherlock's words back to him later? That was very effective, I thought.
- James motherfucking Moriarty. Damn. Before, I was torn between finding his performance cringe-worthy at times and awesome at others. In this episode, he finally got the time to shine and convince me that he was firmly on the awesome side.
- Tea time! I can't remember what the I O U was all about, but I hopefully will once I rewatch it. Apparently, the binary translates to 'There is no key', which is really cool. :D
- Oh god, Lestrade. <3 He must feel so guilty. T.T
- I loved that the final confrontation was on the roof of St. Barts. And I loved how amazing it was. I didn't even understand all of it, but I didn't want to pause and go back because it was so damn gripping. Moriarty's disappointment and Sherlock's...everything and oh my god, his fear for John, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade. <3 (As you can imagine, this was the part where my thoughts got a bit incoherent. Just a bit.)
- The moment we saw the cab and that goddamn music started I started crying for real. ToT I don't even know how to put my feelings about the last scenes into words. Emotional investment like you wouldn't believe. It's not like I didn't know that there was no way Sherlock would really die. But when he started to tell John that he was a fraud (which isn't going to make this easier on him, for Christ's sake Sherlock.) my heart just broke. Their conversation was just so well written and so amazingly acted, with the reaching out of hands and the crying and everything. ToT
- Oh god, Mrs. Hudson and John at the grave. D: Break my heart even more, Martin Freeman, why don't you? And then the final shot of Sherlock, which, yeah, it was to be expected, but it still was very effective.
So, in conclusion, this episode reduced me to a sobbing, incoherent mess, but in a good way! :D I can't wait to see what they come up with next season and I really can't wait to read all the fics that fandom is now hopefully working on.
Next up, The Killing, which I watched with my parents over christmas. It was an amazing viewing experience, and nobody should go into this spoiled. My parents, I should add, are the kind of reasonable people who don't do movie/tv marathons very often, but we watched as many episodes a day as we possibly could. Those cliffhangers are pure evil and only get more and more gripping the more the show progresses. The characters are incredibly well-written and especially the scenes with the family are heartbreaking. However
, I was so disappointed that Meyer died. D: He was my favourite character! I think. It was a pretty close tie between him and Lund. I would've loved to see more of him in the second season (which I haven't seen yet).
So, I definitely recommend this to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Just make sure you have a lot of free time. <.<
Another show I started watching lately is the Anime Chihayafuru, a shoujo/sports Anime about an old japanese card game called karuta. At first, it sounded like something I wouldn't want to watch, but I was bored and I heard it was very good. Now I'm really glad I gave it a chance, because it really is amazing. The characters and their relationships are wonderfully written (Predictably, at least half of the episodes made me cry already) and the animation is beautiful. I still expect to be disappointed by the outcome of the typical love triangle, because I have never once rooted for the 'right' guy, but there is some hope left in me. Maybe this Anime will finally change it up.