So I saw Inception yesterday and it was awesome. I'm not sure if I can already form coherent thoughts about this movie but I'll write 'em down anyway.
- the experience of seeing this in the theatre was incredible and I want to see it again as soon as possible. You could feel the collective tension of everyone in the room at the last shot, everyone waiting for the top to fall over already. Breathtaking. Afterwards I was so wired that I stayed up until, like, 4 in the morning. (*cough*readingarthur/eamesporn*cough*)
- I don't really mind the open ending. Okay, so I let out a frustrated sigh when they cut to the credits, but that was more because of this experience. I can't really describe it, but I felt like everyone in the audience was connected in that moment. Or something like that. Anyway, I like the ending because I, as a sucker for happy endings, can think that it fell over and anyone who thinks different can do that. Everyone can choose the interpretation that is the most satisfying for them.
-I'm so happy to find something that exceeded my expectations like this, because I have this habit of constructing this incredible image of a movie or a book I haven't yet seen/read when I read about it being awesome beforehand and then I'm slightly disappointed because, yeah it was great, but I thought it would be better. Not the case with this movie though. It blew my mind and I loved it. <3
- I liked that this movie had no unnecessary love interest/subplot. Sure, there was the Arthur/Ariadne bit, but I don't see this pairing and I didn't mind at all, I thought it was funny. :) Actually, in my imagination they become best friends after the movie. On that thought, how old is Ariadne supposed to be anyway?
- Arthur/Eames. Dear god, the chemistry. *o* Dream a little bigger indeed, darling.
- I think what I liked best, aside from all the Arthur/Eames scenes (kicking his chair! So cute! <3) was Arthur's dream. The second level, wasn't it? Yeah, I think so...The zero-gravity thing was just so cool. *o*
- I don't think I disliked a single character of this movie. In fact, I adore every main character, from Cobb to Yusuf to Fisher jr, everyone. Saito was awesome, Ariadne was awesome, Mal...okay, so she scared me a bit when Ariadne went into Cobb's dream, but still.
I've found that, while I was an instant Arthur/Eames fangirl, the kind of fanfiction that I enjoy most often features all (or at least part) of the ensemble. Bonus points if there's great Arthur-Ariadne interaction.
- I've been trying to figure out who or what the antagonist is. I don't think it's Mal, I don't think the projections really count. Maybe Cobb's feelings of guilt and his inability to let Mal go? Hm...
I want to see it again. Like, a lot of times. <3
ETA: Have committed art and it turned out surprisingly well. No access to the scanner right now, so I'll post it tomorrow.