Aug 31, 2014 12:51
August 31, 2014
Because I want to write.
Everyday my life has been ordinary. I thrive in it. Everyday it's the same pattern. Every year it's the same events. I liked it this way. I liked knowing what my day would consist of. Of course like any other person, there were times where I wished for change, an adventure. A difference between me and others was that my adventures were small. I took the bus to the library. I went to the German Alpine Village with my close friends. There was a party sprinkle here or there. These were my adventures. I did wish to travel the world someday, but I would prefer it with two friends or alone. I wanted to enjoy it to the full extent and relax.
I was never with the vampire craze. The first time when that book came out, a good friend of mine - who recommended many good books before - mentioned its greatness. I was curious, so I read book 2. I didn't understand much, so I read book 1 and then reread book 2. By the time I finished, book 3 came out. There was one book left. I thought "might as well finish it" and read book 4. I wasn't impressed. Ever since book 1, I was not impressed. I did not hate it, but I would never read it again.
My life was average, ordinary. This is how I liked to live. This was my happiness. He shattered it. He was different in the fantastical sense. He was a big adventure that I couldn't enjoy and relax.
He never noticed me. I never noticed him. We merely acknowledged each others existence. I was with "the smart people." He was with "the jocks."
Despite what you might think, he was not a bully and I was never bullied. The jocks respected us for our different insights. They respected me for my strong pride. We respected them for their dedication. I respected him for being alive: treat others as you like to be treated. We acknowledged each other and helped one another in whatever we needed.
Despite that, we rarely spoke he and I. There was nothing to talk about, nothing to know about. He existed and I existed. We were extras, props in each others lives.
It was a hot summer day when he ruined my peace. I remember it well. I had been returning from the grocery store only few blocks away. I convinced myself that I needed to buy ice cream in order to survive. I had just turned the corner on my house.
It was hot. I hated it. I felt the sweat cling to my shirt. I was disgusted. I planned to put the ice cream in the freezer and then go straight to the shower. Habit propelled me to glance at the alley behind the church.
I saw him and I panicked.
It was the worst heat wave of the year. He picked a great day to disrupt my reality.
Author's Note: In case you didn't guess it correctly (sarcasm), that book is referring to Twilight. I think I want to continue this later for fun, but I'm not sure. The way I started it out makes it seem like it'll end up as vampire story though... Oh well. I think I might just do that. I guess I'll try to shoot for a more Anne Rice feel with traditional vampires than these modern phony ones.
----End of Post 6----
random babbles,
ordinary girl