Suburbia (Holiday Season) | Illness/Baby It's Cold Outside | {Mild Aphro}

Dec 28, 2011 22:40

Even though it was still only mid-way through the afternoon, the sky had already began to darker, the Christmas lights being switched on to help brighten up the snowy streets. Unfortunately, even with the bright colours shining from the houses that lined the street, the flurries of snow that were gradually getting worse still made it hard for those ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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healsforjustice February 14 2012, 02:06:35 UTC
That dilligence and dedication might have made some feel the need to keep their distance, but in Amelia's case there was no excuse for not at least attempting to befriend those she met. From day one she would have been making such efforts towards Ami, not the least bit shy in how forward she was in offering the other medic friendship. She felt privileged it had paid off, and that she could say with confidence that she knew the girl well enough to inform people of the many admirable qualities she held.

And yet, somehow, there was a sense of shyness now, one she had never felt around her colleague before. Perhaps it was the more personal atmosphere, combined with the intimacy of seeing and touching the other's body in such a way, even if it was professional. In any case, she could only hope she didn't do anything to make a fool of herself before leaving.

Feeling the touch to her shoulder, she turned to Ami, fighting back the pleasant shiver running through her frame. As much as she wanted to protest, deep down Amelia knew her companion was making much more sence. It usually took more than that to dissuade the nurse though, but for whatever reason, she couldn't bring herself to argue, as if fearful of seeing her friend's sad reaction if she pulled away and left. "As long at it's not an inconvenience for you..."


I'm determined to finish a thread with you! mizunosenshi March 1 2012, 03:18:57 UTC
Making friends was never easy for Ami, so having even more outside her circle of high school friends was refreshing. The only thing she'd change if she could was perhaps spending more time outside work with those friends, such as Amelia. But then, that was precisely what they were doing now, thanks to the weather. Perhaps they could make the most of the time.

But there was something that happened every time she leaned closer to Amelia. She'd had a fever before, but the warmth she felt crawling over her skin was different somehow. Her breaths were quickening, and she could hear her heart beating more noticeably. She hadn't felt anything like it since the last Three Lights concert, and even than it wasn't so... so... she couldn't put a word to it.

Ami's fingers tingled as they rested upon Amelia's shoulder. Her lips curled into a gentle smile, and she slowly shook her head. "It's no inconvenience at all," she replied, her voice a touch softer than before. That hand stayed where it was, as did the rest of Ami. She was gazing into Amelia's eyes, her mind wandering for a moment. "Since you're going to stay, we should hang up your clothes so they'll dry."


No worries, I can backtag forever~ healsforjustice March 3 2012, 01:23:10 UTC
Quite in contrast, Amelia found making friends terribly easy, at least on her end. Then again, she was persistant, and pretty much anyone she met tended to qualify as someone to befriend, so it was no wonder she had a fair number of them, even if the feeling wasn't always mutual. Still, she loved any opportunity she got to share with those people, so in thinking of staying over with Ami from that angle, it suddenly seemed less like she was imposing.

The nurse beamed back happily, currently oblivious and not minding the touch in the slightest. Admittedly, that pause and slight tonal change did stir something, but it passed too quickly to be addressed. The next words distracted her anyway, causing her to slowly nod back in reply. "I suppose so, do you want me to change somewhere?" she asked.


mizunosenshi March 3 2012, 02:21:09 UTC
Having company over was probably the best thing for Ami at the moment, given how isolated she could be sometimes. Being sick wasn't an excuse to avoid people, but she had effectively been taken out of the environment where she interacted with people and placed in her bedroom with only books for company. It might have been desirable at one time, but not anymore. She liked having Amelia there with her, though she couldn't put a finger on why getting closer to the other girl made her heart beat faster.

"You can use my bedroom," she replied, turning so Amelia could glimpse down the hall. "There should be a few extra hangers in the closet you can use. This way." With that, she began to lead down the hall to the second door, which opened up into a very studious, and blue, bedroom. Even the bed had been made, everything kept neat and tidy.


healsforjustice March 3 2012, 18:45:11 UTC
Truth be told, even without their work relationship, as a friend Amelia would have turned up at that door and some point, snowstorm or no snowstorm. No one should simply be alone when sick, so Amelia was rather diligent in such silent promises to make sure she was there for people when possible. Even so, Ami was a special case, though she couldn't really explain to herself why. Regardless, she followed the other girl, taking in the tidy room before looking back at her companion.

"Thank you, I won't be long." she replied with a small smile, hands going to the front of her uniform and starting to deal with the buttons and revealing the beginnings of her bustline, expecting Ami would just retreat in a moment anyway. "You're sure you don't mind sparing clothes?"


mizunosenshi March 4 2012, 04:30:48 UTC
Ami would have had mixed feelings, but as it was she was glad to have Amelia with her. They could get to know one another a little better, while keeping tabs on the radio for anyone nearby in distress. There was something more and it was starting to influence her thinking as the warmth swept slowly through her body.

"I'm sure," she replied, remaining at the door a few seconds longer than she'd meant. That allowed her to see the first few buttons undone on Amelia's uniform, and the pink in her cheeks went deeper into the red category. Ami turned around but remained at the door, as if guarding it, or unsure that her feet would carry her. "You can borrow anything you like."


healsforjustice March 9 2012, 17:04:53 UTC
As friendly and open as Amelia could be, it was rather hard to get really intimately aquainted in their line of work. You could barely have a moment in the day to sit down for a break, nevermind have a proper conversation. All too often they had to cut breaks short because they were needed elsewhere, so this quiet time could turn out to be quite the blessing. Of course, Amelia couldn't quite identify the giddiness in her at the prospect just yet.

She felt a little weary truth be told, snooping around the other woman's drawers to locate something else to wear. Still, fortunately she could avert her eyes from any unmentionables quickly, until she located some baggy nightwear, which hopefully would not cling around her chest, which she slipped on once her other clothes were gone. Once that was done, she folded the wet garments, and approached Ami. "Thank you very much, I appreciate this."


mizunosenshi March 9 2012, 22:17:51 UTC
The closet was where Ami had expected Amelia to go, with the robes she'd mentioned before. There were also a few dresses and and skirts, including her uniform from the hospital. It didn't bother her to let Amelia select something, knowing she wasn't the sort to create a mess or steal something. There was also the matter she was standing right there, and more than once she found herself glancing over her shoulder.

It was terribly rude, but the impulse was so strong it took a second to catch herself. The warmth was growing, and yet it still felt different from the fever she'd just recovered from. Ami turned around once Amelia spoke up again, holding out her hands to take the wet clothes. They could go in the dryer, but with the power unstable she was concerned about the pull it would cause. "We can hang these near the fireplace," she said, gaze wandering over Amelia's figure. Though she wanted to head back to the fireplace, her feet had yet to move. "I wonder if I have the heat set too high."


healsforjustice March 10 2012, 02:41:31 UTC
Amelia had no idea why she had gone to where she had for something to wear. It wasn't as if she was attempting to snoop in the other girls belongings after all. There were plenty of things that were easier and quicker to change into as well, but no, something had told her she needed to put of those loose pieces of sleepwear. Thankfully there was room for her endowed figure to be comfortable, though only just. Really she wasn't thinking of how she looked currently, more worrying in case she stretched out her friend's garments.

"I don't think so." she replied, blinking in confusion at the remark as she handed over the clothes. Of course, the nurse's first instinct was to fret, and invade personal space to ease her concerns. "Are you alright, don't tell me your getting feverish again." she mumbled in a worried tone, reaching out automatically to place her hand on the others forehead, testing her temperature to see if it had picked up again.


mizunosenshi March 11 2012, 18:17:53 UTC
Ami didn't mind at all since she trusted Amelia not to take anything that didn't belong to her. She was such an honest girl, a bit too much at times, but she was still learning. What mattered now was that she was comfortable, and if she found something in the closet or drawer that helped, Ami was happy to let her borrow it. Seeing the end result, however, seemed to make the feverish warmth grow even more.

Blue eyes dipped to take in the swell of Amelia's chest, the way the fabric hugged her form. She took a step closer as her eyes rose up again, her face noticeably red. The hand upon her forehead caused her to shiver, yet she was hardly cold. Amelia would find her forehead was warm but not so much to indicate a fever. Ami reached up with the girl so close, and brushed the backs of her fingers lightly over Amelia's cheek. "I don't know how I feel right now... but, when you stepped closer, it grew stronger."


healsforjustice March 14 2012, 03:10:03 UTC
It was true, Amelia likely needed to learn about white lies. While her honesty was always well intentioned, there were moments where it wouldn't have hurt if she had the ability to be less direct. Like right now, instead of politely not pointing out Ami's stare, she focused on it, blinking in confusion. Yes, it was partially due to her general obliviousness of what was bothering her friend, but still.

"Really?" she questioned, glancing down as if thinking something was on the clothes drawing Ami's attention. Well, to her mind it might have been the case, failing to see how her bust could be the cause. Well, at least, the other medic wasn't getting feverish again from what she could tell. Still, what was the matter then? That touch to her face was definitely not Ami's usual behaviour. "Oh? Well...should to get out of your way then? I don't want to make you feel off when you've just started recovering after all..."


mizunosenshi March 14 2012, 03:31:09 UTC
There was no lie that could hide the way Amelia's figure shone through the gown she'd selected. Ami was finding it hard not to look at her chest, and that troubled her because she knew it was rude and yet her eyes kept going right back there. She'd never thought those kind of things before, not for Amelia, so she was naturally confused on top of it all.

Despite that, she took a step closer rather than moving away, settling a hand upon Amelia's shoulder. This was no fever, she knew that much, and it felt good whenever she touched her friend. Before she knew it, both hands were resting upon Amelia's shoulders, and any semblance of personal space was tossed out of the window. "You're not in my way," she whispered, her face practically glowing. "I think I'd like to sit beside you by the fire. You can tell me about yourself."


healsforjustice March 15 2012, 13:23:20 UTC
Fortunately Amelia didn't jump to any inclusions, or catch on to the staring at her chest in particular. For her, it just seemed like her friend was spacing out a bit, leaving her to worry if she was starting to feel ill again.

The touch on her shoulders however, well she couldn't really think of a reason for that. She could only stare back in bewilderment and concern at Ami, feeling a little flustered herself at the sudden closeness. Even so, she still answered the other girl with the same good natured clueless expression. "About myself? Why? I mean there's nothing much to tell anyway..."


mizunosenshi March 24 2012, 04:28:07 UTC
Ami was spacing out in the worst possible way. Her fever was gone but a new heat was overtaking her sensibilities. She wanted to be closer to Amelia, and for the moment that was relatively innocent in nature. That brought her closer, feet sliding along the carpet as her fingers gently squeezed Amelia's shoulders. It was nothing more than a friendly rub or massage, as if trying to convince herself she needed to help Amelia relax a little.

Though she liked the closeness, she wanted to go by the fire like she'd said. Ami dropped her hands, one sliding along Amelia's arm until grasping her hand. She headed for the fireplace and the carpet situated in front of it. "I've never asked you where you grew up or where you studied."


healsforjustice March 25 2012, 23:48:49 UTC
While being able to pick on something not quite fitting, Amelia still lacked the full sense of comprehension to understand the meaning behind the behaviour she was witnessing. All she knew for certain was this was not like the Ami she knew and worked with, and that was enough to cause some degree of concern. With the closing of space between them, she was getting a good view of the strange quirks her friend was displaying, though finding herself almost anticipating them rather than being weary.

She did follow as silently requested, though still much more hesitant than the other girl in regards to body language as she sat down. Blinking at the request for information, she thought it best to play along for now, if only to maybe steer things in such a way as to maybe get some answers. "Oh, Seyruun in both cases, though I spent a good bit of time wandering around to different area's, getting on hand experience."


mizunosenshi March 25 2012, 23:57:16 UTC
Ami would have been in the same predicament if their situations had been reversed. At the moment she was doing whatever came to her, without crossing any lines just yet. The heat was subtle, her thoughts controlled enough to keep her from simply pouncing the poor girl. All she wanted was to be close, maybe to touch her a little, but the idea of kissing her was growing stronger too.

Seated on the carpet, she took hold of Amelia's hand and smiled to her, listening to the sound of her voice. "Now you're here, studying with me," she added, still blushing. The heat from the fire was a pleasant contrast to the way she was feeling, but it wasn't taking her mind off anything. "What's it like in Seyruun? Are there storms like this there?"


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