Suburbia (Holiday Season) | Illness/Baby It's Cold Outside | {Mild Aphro}

Dec 28, 2011 22:40

Even though it was still only mid-way through the afternoon, the sky had already began to darker, the Christmas lights being switched on to help brighten up the snowy streets. Unfortunately, even with the bright colours shining from the houses that lined the street, the flurries of snow that were gradually getting worse still made it hard for those ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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healsforjustice December 29 2011, 12:59:23 UTC
Well, the did often say that doctors and nurses made horrible patients for a reason. Knowing how hard Ami worked, she could take a guess in thinking that the other female had felt prescibing for herself would be enough. In such cases, a second opinion couldn't go wrong. Knowing how dedicated her colleague was, she imagined it must have taken something pretty signficant to actually force her not to come in to work today, a lot more than the snowstorm at any rate. Thus, she couldn't leave the matter alone, and was now shivering in front for the other woman's door.

Besides, Amelia knew if she just let things be and went home, she would be thinking about the other nurse the entire time, worrying and fretting, and likely making herself ill in the process. And of course, then Ami would get better, see the state, she was in, and blame herself for simply catching something. It was no wonder their colleagues considered them quite a pair for all the selfless action and worrying they did between them.

"A few minutes, nothing to fret about." she insisted as she was pulled into hallway, quick to shed her coat, the uniform showing she had indeed trudged all the way from the surgery straight to Ami's house. "But I think you're the one who needs to worry about this cold more than me. How are you feeling?"


mizunosenshi January 6 2012, 00:00:43 UTC
They made terrible patients, which was why Ami stayed home so she didn't burden anyone with her potential crabbiness. When one was feverish one could actin ways they might not normally act. She'd learned that first hand some years back, from studying too hard and not getting enough rest. A mistake she wouldn't make again, at least, she told herself that. She still had a tendency to work too hard, so the snow storm was actually a good thing. It kept her at home, away from work, so she could rest. Even if she was up and about cleaning the house.

"We'll worry about my cold once you're warmed up," she said, already walking over to the closet. "Your shoes and socks must be soaked. Take them off, I'll get you a towel. How is your uniform? It looks a little damp as well."


healsforjustice January 6 2012, 21:39:30 UTC
Amelia had witnessed first hand over time how her colleague could be when under pressure or busy, and in some cases knew she was not much better than Ami; pushing herself until she nearly slouched over with exhaustion, all so others could come first and no one would worry or fuss. Nevertheless, nitpicking and blaming would do no good now. She was here now, and not likely going anywhere for a while considering how bad the weather was.

"I'm fine, I promise. You know by now it takes more than a little snow to slow me down." she chuckled, hoping to lighten the mood a little, though still complying in taking off her shoes and socks, shuddering a bit as her bare feet touched the floor, waiting for the other nurse to return with a towel. She could already feel her face tingling as she thawed out in the hallway, rubbing her arms to warm up.


mizunosenshi February 6 2012, 22:55:24 UTC
In the end Ami had yielded to her own advice and stayed home, but not completely for the sake of being sick. She'd seen the weather forecast, plotted out the frontal patterns with her computer, and determined for herself that there would be a lot of snow. While she did want to venture out, she was still feverish at the time, and the idea of causing others to worry was not one she relished. It was safer, and polite, to stay home. When it came to Amelia, however, she saw a lot of herself in the girl. Ami hoped she too would develop such wisdom as her education progressed.

"I know, but I can't have you tracking it through the house," she replied, her tone jovial in turn. Ami was only gone a moment, and soon returned with not only a towel but a fluffy blanket. Since she already had one on the couch, this one was meant for her guest. "Here you go. Would you like some cocoa? I just put some water on before you arrived. It should be about ready."


healsforjustice February 7 2012, 21:55:10 UTC
Illness, the weather, to Amelia they often just obstacles she needed to conquer in order to get stronger overall. Of course this meant she really did not pay attention to her own limits at times. Just because she had somehow managed to make it through the snow didn't mean she would be so fortunate on the trek back, if her colleague even allowed her to attempt it. However much she might learn in the future, there would always be an element of that termination and stubborness in the nurse, which was likely not going to disappear no matter how long she was around.

Nodding, Amelia did as she was told, waiting patiently for the others return, not that her wet things were out of the way, and not going to cause puddles throughout the house. Admittedly, the blanket surprised her, but she accepted it with a smile nonetheless, bundling up. "That would be nice yes. I'll sort out my things while you're doing that."


mizunosenshi February 8 2012, 00:48:50 UTC
There wasn't much chance Ami would let Amelia leave right away. Another front was moving through, with the promise of at least another foot of snow. Add to that heavy wind gusts and sporadic power outages, it was much safer to stay put and wait it out. At least that way she would be assured Amelia got some rest, and it would give Amelia a chance to remind Ami to do the same.

Ami paused as she thought about what she could give Amelia to wear, if she decided to take up the offer. She'd have to find something baggy, given the other nurse's chest that was somewhat larger than her own. It wasn't that she was jealous, merely that it was important to note when choosing something to wear. While she thought it over, she prepared two cups of hot cocoa and even added in some little marshmallows.

"I have a nightgown that should fit you. You could borrow it while we hang up your clothes to dry," she offered, stepping out with the cups and some cookies on a tray. "It's in the closet next to the bathroom if you'd like it." She nodded in the direction of the hall as she set the tray down. "Either way that blanket will keep you warm. It's made of wool."


healsforjustice February 8 2012, 13:16:41 UTC
While not really thinking about it at the moment, her friend a bigger concern, Amelia would still likely try to insist on leaving when the time came. After all, she needed to be on call later, just in case anything happened with the snow getting worse, counting off the possible patients in her mind who would likely need assistance. Still, for the time being, she'd focus on the one person who she came to tend to.

Meanwhile, as Ami continued mixing up drinks, Amelia was rummaging through her bag, looking for the needed items to check her friend over, just to settle her mind and see what progess was being made with her recovery. She didn't even think much on the call about clothing either, not really one to pay attention to how her body compared. Anyway, it was probably best to get into something dry, at least until her other things were less wet, and she could set off again.

"I'll see about it once I've had a drink, thank you." she smiled, sipping from her own mug as she took it from the tray, sighing in contentment as the heat spread through her. "Thanks for all this, but you're the one who's sick. Are you going to tell me how you're fairing?"


mizunosenshi February 8 2012, 23:03:21 UTC
A good doctor had to know when to stop and take a break. That applied to anything, students included. Ami learned the lesson in a very awkward way, but what mattered was she did know when to stop and do something else, or take a nap, whatever was necessary to keep her mind sharp and her thoughts in order. Coffee was a bad substitute for a good nights rest, or a small afternoon nap.

Though her cheeks were a bit rosy, her fever was very low. She'd been relaxing on the couch, enjoying a book and watching the snow fall. There was a radio on the table near the fireplace for weather updates, though she'd turned it off before answering the door. There was an occasional cough, a little sniffle, but the worst was over.

"Alright, but don't wait too long," she cautioned, taking her own mug after setting down the tray. "My fever has gone down and I can breathe much more easily now. I moved into the living room to get some fresher air. My room was getting a little stuffy after a couple days. Would you like to take my temperature?"


healsforjustice February 8 2012, 23:42:55 UTC
It would take a lot of work and persuading to get Amelia around the notion that stepping back and taking a break was not the same as accepting a defeat. She really did need to grasp the practise what you preach idea too, as for all the fuss and level headed advice she could give to other people, when it came to herself, she was reckless, not wanting to let others down. Stubborn and selfless, it made for an odd but problematic combination of qualities.

Nodding at the question, Amelia took out an electric themometer from her bag, and gave it to her colleague, knowing she would be able to put it in herself. Meanwhile, she took her stethoscope out, putting it as she turned back to Ami. "Once you have a reading for the themometer, I'd like you to show me your chest, just so I can listen in and see how you sound please."

From her spirts, and her complexion, the nurse did think the other girl looked better, though it never hurt to check or be thorough. If her temperature was good and she had cleared the congestion, the worst would be over. She just wished to be cure there were no lingering traces of a cough that could flare up again.


mizunosenshi February 9 2012, 02:56:30 UTC
Since they were so much alike in those regards, spending time with Ami and seeing how she handled herself might benefit Amelia in the long run. The last thing she wanted to do was make anyone else worry about her, which was why she was trying to play down the fact Amelia wanted to check up on her and treat her instead like any other guest who visited. The main difference is that she'd chosen to stay home, knowing here limits enough not to burden anyone with her illness. That said, she was also not going to completely dismiss Amelia's wish to check up on a friend.

Ami took hold of the thermometer and made sure it was on and properly working. "Would you mind drawing the curtains closed while I do this?" She asked, glancing toward the front window. It was unlikely anyone was out and about, but if she was to disrobe she didn't want to take any chances. She'd have to wait a couple minutes after sipping the cocoa, so she started by slipping off the robe she wore. Beneath was a thick blue nightgown, which she began to lift up slowly. Beneath that she had on a plain white t-shirt and fleece pants.

She shivered once the layers were off, but she knew it was only temporary. Ami sat down and slipped the thermometer into her mouth, closing her eyes to wait for it to beep. It didn't take very long for the little chime to sound, and she held it up to show Amelia. 37.3C "It's just slightly above normal," she said with a smile. Now it was time for the shirt, which she slowly lifted up and over her head, having nothing else beneath it. She covered herself modestly but left room for her companion to work.


healsforjustice February 10 2012, 17:48:32 UTC
Well, this was the biggest obstacle that had stood between Amelia and her job, and one she likely would not be able to dismiss so easily. It was fortunate then that she was so close to someone who understood her dedication, but also knew from experience there was no shame in backing down and taking things easier. It might take some work to force in into her head, but there was hope that Amelia would realize in the long run, it was better to rest and let others fuss over her once in a while if needed, and there was nothing wrong in requesting assistance sometimes.

Naturally that was far from her mind at the moment, all her energy and focus on the well being of her friend above anything else, particularly the weather conditions, or her own well being for that matter. Glancing up, she nodded quickly and got up, pulling the curtains over with one last glance at the blanket of white that was steadily growing thicker outside. Even at that, she needed to pause before turning around. It was odd really, seeing bodies was part of her job, and while bashful, she did her best to keep things in a professional context, so she was never bothered by it. However, Ami was more than a patient, and she had a bit more trouble dismissing the slight awkwardness as she turned back and sat down again.

Breathing on the end of the instrument to warm the metal up a little, she checked the temperature with a smile, before putting on the stethoscope, and placed in on the other girl's chest. At least fever was one less thing to worry over. "Just breathe deep for me. Have you had any lingering stuffiness or ache in your chest?" she enquired, still listening carefully to the echo's out sound through the earpieces.


Yay no notifications mizunosenshi February 10 2012, 18:18:59 UTC
Ami would be happy to impart her wisdom over time. She saw much of herself in Amelia, even though there were several big differences. Impulsiveness was never a word people would use to describe the blue-haired doctor in training, at least not unless there was a rare book involved. The time together might benefit them both, to learn from one another.

They shared that tinge of awkwardness when dealing with unclothed patients. This time she was the patient, and she tried to tell herself it was no different than going to a public bath with her friends. Her head was still warm, as was her skin, so when that metal touched her she gasped. Shivers ran down her spine, but she did just as she asked. Breathe in, breathe out, slow complete breaths. Blue eyes focused on Amelia as she worked, and little by little she let her arms drop away. The nurse would have to listen in that area, too.

"No, nothing like that. A lingering cough, but that's to be expected," she whispered, her cheeks darkening. "H-how are things at the hospital?"


*pets* Don't worry about it. healsforjustice February 11 2012, 22:22:23 UTC
There was an odd contrast between the two, even a reversal of differences. Amelia knew that while her friend was calmer and more collected, she was also more ambitious in how she worked than the wild and impulsive nurse. Meanwhile, she might have been in more need for control, but unlike Ami, she wasn't as driven. She would do her best, yes, but if she remained a nurse, that was fine. It did seem peculiar how they worked in opposite ways, and yet could still be good friends. Perhaps they just saw a lot to admire in one another, despite needing to learn from each other.

Keeping her composure as best she could, Amelia moved the instrument up again, listening carefully to the other side of her colleagues chest. She had seen plenty of people in a state of undress, and normally could get over it. But they were just patients, Ami was more than that, and knowing she would have to look the other woman in eye seriously at work every day once she recovered, having seen her like this, it felt rather awkward. Not only that, but for some reason, the fact it was Ami made it worse, in a way Amelia couldn't really explain somehow.

"A little strained, the weather is causing problems for everyone right now. Hopefully it'll pass soon and clear up." she answered, pulling back and trying to keep eye contact, and hoping her face wasn't pink. "Anyway, you do sound okay. If you keep doing what you have been, I see no reason why you won't be back at work soon." she spoke quietly, standing up with the intention of going to the window, planning to open the curtains once her friend was dressed again.


I actually got it 7 hours after you posted mizunosenshi February 12 2012, 02:09:50 UTC
There was a reason behind Ami's drive, one that kept her so focused on becoming a wonderful doctor. Throughout her life she looked up to her mother, who was a respected doctor at the hospital working in a different wing. Since she was little, she knew she wanted to become a doctor, and over time she had elected to focus on pediatrics. Before getting there, she had to go through the process, which put her on the same shift as Amelia. The reason they got along so well was they both enjoyed helping others, and Amelia did have a way of reminding Ami of two friends of hers.

Ami was breathing deeply as instructed, but there was something more. She couldn't put a finger on it, but maybe it was nothing more than anxiety from having Amelia checking up on her. Any practice they'd undertaken in the hospital was while fully clothed, but this... Her cheeks were darkening the longer Amelia worked. Before long the red had spread all the way down her neck and up to her forehead.

"I believe it will become worse before it gets better," she remarked, her voice softer than before. She met Amelia's gaze and froze in place, several seconds passing before she spoke up again. "That's good to hear. Thank you, Amelia." Ami reached up and touched her own forehead before fumbling with her nightgown. "Y-you can leave those closed for now. It'll keep the heat in better."


Darn notif lag *shakes fist* healsforjustice February 12 2012, 15:49:38 UTC
While Amelia did have a lot of energy, which she threw into everything she did, she honestly didn't have a specific direction in mind when it came to her life. She just wanted to do good for people, no matter what route she took. Still, she could certainly admire the dedication her colleague had, as well as the conviction to work so hard and achieve something for herself in the future. It would just be a bit of a pity when Ami did move up in the world, when they couldn't see each other everyday at work, the thought alone saddening Amelia a little, though she did her best to mask it.

Fortunately, the nurse was so lost in thought, she didn't notice the blush to question it, trying to piece together her own own odd sense of nervousness at how close they had been a moment ago. It was rather hard to deny there might have been an odd pleasantness to touching her friend's skin, though she pushed it to the back of her mind, not wanting to let her mind wander too far.

Her hands were already gripping the drapes, but she nodded, leaving them closed. She did peek out just enough to see the flurries of snow and wind picking up. Of course, Amelia being Amelia, it was a better option than inconveniencing Ami, and perhaps lingering too long after those odd feelings had began to manifest during that examination. "You're welcome. Anyway, I best be on my way before things get worse." she spoke, intending to grab her bag and go see if her clothes had dried a little.


mizunosenshi February 13 2012, 01:40:19 UTC
There would always be time for friends in Ami's schedule. One thing about her mother was how often she worked overtime, which left Ami on her own most of the time. It was clear to see where she got her diligence, but she had also made friends who helped to see that there was more than studying and reading every hour of the day. True, she was dedicated in her studies, but she took breaks, and the same would be true once she was a certified doctor. But that was still some time off, and there was a snowstorm between here and there.

Ami had no logical explanation for the way she felt, but when Amelia had touched her it felt nice. It was a generic word, but the only way she could think to put it. It was enough that her cheeks remained a dull red even after she'd slipped her nightgown back over her head. The rest she'd put back on later, because for the moment she felt warm.

"Won't you stay?" She asked, placing a hand on Amelia's shoulder. "It's not safe to travel right now, and we can do more good from here I think. There will be people who can't get to the hospital because of the roads, but I have a radio. We can listen for distress calls and advise them from the safety of their homes if it's not too bad. If it's an emergency... we could go to them, but I don't think you should go out unless it is an emergency."


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