Late Goodbye | Room 74,240 | Aphro as Needed

Jul 13, 2011 23:43

As the full moon shone through the clouds above, the entire kingdom of Seyruun seemed to glow under the sliver rays, only further illuminating the stunning white architecture of the city. It was a place of white magic, of goodness and truth, where all were equal and life was happy and prosperous. However, to the usually happy princess of the land, ( Read more... )

pairing: f/f, pairing: f/m, series: slayers

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mizunosenshi July 15 2011, 05:59:32 UTC
It was from the full moon above that a pair of somber blue eyes watched the world below. The city of Seyruun stood out among the others, and not just because it was clearly visible from space. Though the leadership was at times misguided, the kingdom was a beacon of peace and prosperity the likes of had yet to be equaled save for the hidden kingdoms of the moon. Libraries, gardens, everything one could imagined finding in a virtual utopia was present both in Seyruun and within the Silver Millennium.

The libraries had been what attracted the Princess of Mercury, prompting her to bend the rules slightly and make a visit to the city of white magic. A lone scholar, there to study the collected knowledge of man, she hardly drew any attention to herself. It was Amelia who had done that, falling from a high place, though Mercury never did find out why. In some ways the Seyruun princess reminded Mercury of Serenity in her earlier years, friendly and helpful, but often prone to accidents.

The friendship had blossomed from there, at first relegated to visits in the library and then beyond. She couldn't pinpoint when she began to feel something more, something she'd never let herself feel before. Such things were forbidden, mingling with the people of the Earth. But everyone knew Serenity sneaked away to see Endymion, and there were other visits to the Earth by members of the royal court.

The letter had hurt more than she wanted to admit, though she at least understood the political situation. She could not intervene, lest she give away her presence, and though she wanted to see Amelia again she didn't dare interfere with the proceedings of the two kingdoms. So when she saw Amelia was alone in her room with the balcony doors open, she took that as perhaps her final chance to speak her peace.

The soft sound of chimes wafted through the air as Mercury materialized on the balcony, gazing into the room. Her heart was pounding in her chest, a plethora of emotions all struggling to remain at the surface. She managed a smile but said nothing, watching the other princess as she tried to decide whether to speak or to leave.


healsforjustice July 15 2011, 14:25:59 UTC
The healer heard the chimes, but her mind was still fogged over with the harsh bitter ache of what was to become of her to pay it much mind. Nothing could phase her anymore, nothing could match this feeling that was eating away at her very being. She almost wished inwardly that she had never been silly enough to allow herself to fall in love, but immediately regretted the thought.

Despite the hurt, she would never trade what she had been allowed to feel for the other girl. The idea of never experiencing such happiness was a horrid one. The memories of having it not blossom fully would sting for a long while, but better that and eventually being able to look back fondly on her first love than never know what it meant to truly find someone she would have happily given her life for.

Lifting her head from her hands, she stared at her reflection in the large vanity mirror, only for her blue eyes to widen at the sight of a figure standing in the doorway. Her head spun to look at the balcony, finding herself suddenly on her feet. There was of course no mistaking the figure of the other maiden watching her, Amelia so overcome she couldn't help the bittersweet smile that appeared on her face.

"How do you always appear when I least expect it?" she asked with a shake of her head, speaking more to herself than her lover, but not tearing her eyes away either.


mizunosenshi July 15 2011, 21:31:21 UTC
Her heart ached in ways she'd never felt before, ever since reading the letter. Though she knew the reasons why, and her mind had accepted it, there was no getting over the way she felt. Logic failed her in that respect, because she hadn't even realized just how attached she'd felt to the other girl until that moment when she'd opened the envelope. Now she was standing there, draped in darkness and looking into the mirror. A mirror, that meant... Mercury took a tentative step back, but it was too late. She'd been seen, which left her with only one option.

"Practice," she replied softly, her faint smile remaining upon her lips. It was a skill she'd tried to reach Amelia once, but stealth was never going to be one of her strong points. She enjoyed making an entrance too much, and would sometimes point out only bad guys snooped around. Mercury of course had to set her straight, explaining good purposes for it. Observation was one such reason.

Stepping into the room, the princess slipped her hands behind her back but drew to a stop a few feet from Amelia. She wore her long, royal blue robes, something she wouldn't have dared wear out in public. It all came back to that sneaking around and looking inconspicuous. Right now she didn't care, no one else was around. "I wasn't sure I wanted you to see me... I wasn't sure... if you'd want to."


healsforjustice July 16 2011, 00:01:09 UTC
Amelia did not have the will within her to be quiet or stealthy, sneaking around seemed so dishonorable, and that would make her no better than the evil people she had fought so hard to bring to Justice. She would set an example and make those villains change their ways. Unfortunately that often made the art of surprise a waste, but it couldn't be helped.

Watching as the other girl moved so gracefully across the floor, the elegant robes making it seem like she was walking on air, the healer let her eyes droop, just taking in the sight, preserving it for her memories. She needed something to look back on fondly the rest of her days alone.

"I don't know myself if I want to either." she replied honestly. She had been caught off guard by the sudden appearance, and as such, any attempts at trying to appear aloof and cold fell flat. She'd eventually have to muster the strength to dismiss Mercury, but it would have to wait. It was very hard to build up resistance and spiteful words to drive her lover off when that sweet gentle face was right before her, looking just as hurt as she felt.


mizunosenshi July 16 2011, 00:11:42 UTC
Those from the moon had to remain hidden, to allow the Earth to evolve and grow, but with the occasional bit of benevolent guidance. Mercury's presence there was out of line, she knew it and yet it hadn't stopped her. The 'everyone else is doing it' defense had been the first that came to her, but she'd stand up and defend her actions with her own words if it came to that.

For now all she could think about was the young woman sharing the room with her, looking so miserable and unhappy. Mercury could feel her heart sinking, not only from Amelia's words, but the feelings she knew the princess must be feeling. "Amelia... I understand why you're doing this, but... I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least see you once more," she admitted, lowering her head to gaze at the floor. "I know how you feel about those who sneak around, but it was the only way I could come here."

Mercury couldn't be cold and flat, not with Amelia. Her heart and mind were at odds but they both agreed that saying goodbye through a latter was completely unacceptable. "It doesn't have to end this way Amelia. We still have this evening."


healsforjustice July 16 2011, 00:39:36 UTC
Truthfully, the other girl's presense wasn't entirely unwelcome. It hurt, yes, very much. But surely this was better than the numbness that would become her life after tomorrow. The pain told her she was still alive, her heart beating for Mercury. Once the pain faded, she would be empty and lifeless, living as an shell of her former self.

"I'm not critizing you." she responded, sighing and smiling bitterly. "That would make me a hypocrite. I'm the one who didn't tell Daddy right away what we were doing. I was being just as underhanded. And's too late."

Placing a hand on her face, as if trying to will anymore tears not to come out, Amelia let out a shaky breath. She was right, sneaking around was bad, and because she had done it, she was being punished for it. If she had only just said something to her father earlier, he would never have asked this of her. There was of course no point in weeping over what could have been now though. Instead, she should focus on the last moments she would have with the other princess, however bittersweet.

"And...what do you suggest?"


mizunosenshi July 16 2011, 00:56:55 UTC
Mercury was already thinking up possibilities, ranging from stealing Amelia away for herself to never seeing her again. No option was being overlooked, but of course some were far less likely than others. She would not harm the stability of the kingdom for her own purposes. To think only of herself, her wish to be with Amelia, no she couldn't risk starting a war to satiate her lonely heart. But there had to be a way, there was always a way.

"It's never too late," she whispered, though whether she meant for Amelia to tell her father, or something else, she wasn't even sure herself. How would she explain where she was from, why she was gallivanting around with Seyruun's princess while posing as a scholar from a far off land. That part was true at least, but the point remained.

Taking a step closer, Mercury reached out her hand and brushed her fingertips along Amelia's cheek, to wipe away the tears. She shouldn't have done that, because now she knew she couldn't let go. Lifting her gaze she leveled her eyes on Amelia's face, inching closer still. "We could walk together... or, we could... stay here, in your room," she said, her voice almost a whisper. The princess bit her lip, cheeks flushing. "Is there anything you've ever wanted to do together? We seem to have the evening all to ourselves."


healsforjustice July 16 2011, 01:20:45 UTC
Logic and reason had never been Amelia's strong points, she had often listened to her heart over her head, which tended to cause a lot of problems. Normally she wouldn't deny who she was, confident that her way of doing things was the best. True Justice came from morality and compassion, so trying to force a restrictive formula on it was pointless. For her kingdom though, for all those people who depended on her, she would forsake it for their safety, no matter how wrong it felt. Her happiness in comparison to so many lives was not important.

That was what she told herself, over and over. And yet now, with Mercury near her, it didn't make any sense anymore. With that touch, hearing that voice, she could feel any will power she had been building up to push away dissaparate, her heart melting under that warm and loving gaze. Feeling her own face heat up, she swallowed the lump in her throat. If this was the end, should be a parting they would not forget.

"I just...want to be with you. Whatever you decide will make me happy." she whispered back, eyes glassy with tears, but this time looking much more hopeful, head tilting into her hand.


mizunosenshi July 16 2011, 01:36:02 UTC
Words like duty and honor were hanging heavy on Mercury's mind. She couldn't stay on the Earth, she knew that, and yet she'd allowed her feelings to grow for the Earth princess in spite of knowing she shouldn't. Was this how Serenity felt, any time she was caught visiting Endymion? She never thought she'd understand how the moon princess felt until that very moment. Sometimes it was okay to bend the rules, right?

For so long she'd let order and logic rule her life, never thinking she could ever fall under love's spell. Perhaps it had been arrogance, or the only way she could cope with not having that in her life. But now it was there, standing right in front of her, and she knew she couldn't keep it. Mercury lifted her free hand up, resting it softly upon Amelia's shoulder.

"I want to be with you, too," she replied, thumb brushing the soft skin of Amelia's cheek. "But, should we... that is..." Logic had failed her, and now simple vocabulary was giving her trouble. Mercury leaned close, their noses practically touching. "I've never thought these kind of thoughts before, or felt these kind of feelings. Amelia... I..." Words were failing her again, and her frustration may have showed. Their lips were so close, she could practically feel her lover's breath upon her own. Sometimes, there were no words. Wisdom she had only learned just then. Throwing caution to the wind, Mercury closed her eyes, and with the gentlest of touches, brought her lips to kiss Amelia's own.


healsforjustice July 16 2011, 02:21:30 UTC
Amelia had her own responsibilities, and only of late had they all begun to weigh down on her. Soon she would be giving up her freedom to roam with friends, have adventures and bring Justice to the land. She would be confined to a castle, learning how to be a proper wife. 'Real' Queens had dignity, and didn't off gallavanting through the country. As if this wasn't bad enough, she'd be leaving her home, the place were she grew up, and the place that had brought her together with Mercury. Fate was truly trying to sever all ties they shared.

Watching the other with a sad expression, wondering what she was trying to say. There were things hoped to hear, yes. More so, there were things she just wanted to do. It seemed they shared that thought, as she soon felt the soft touch of lips on hers. Her own eyes soon fell shut, the remains of her tears flickering off her eyelashes as they fluttered, brushing again the other princess' skin.

It was barely there, but it meant so much. She only drew back a moment before gathering Mercury into a tight embrace. When the sun came up, that would be the end. But it wasn't up yet. "Then tonight, we can just feel, okay?" she whispered.


mizunosenshi July 16 2011, 04:26:40 UTC
It didn't matter to Mercury that Amelia would be located in another place. One thing about the moon was it shone everywhere, which made anywhere easily accessible to her with a little work. Would it be right to sneak around once she was married though? It was a tough question, one that she didn't have an answer for and one she'd need time to ponder. It didn't matter now, because the night belonged to them. Tomorrow would be difficult, but they'd always have their fond memories.

Mercury was normally good with words, making speeches and writing papers, but she couldn't seem to put together a simple sentence as she gazed upon Amelia's face. "Yes... feel," she agreed, her voice nearly a whisper. "To admit... how we feel." Mercury looked into Amelia's eyes, arm going tight around her in response to the embrace.

"Amelia...," she murmured, fingers sliding slowly into Amelia's hair. Her voice trailed off, bringing their lips once again together. This time wasn't a soft, curious gesture, but a true, blossoming kiss. Mercury's eyes fell closed, her heart threatening to leap from her chest. She felt sad, yes, but also very happy to be in Amelia's arms.


healsforjustice July 16 2011, 13:23:04 UTC
For the time they had, however brief, Amelia almost felt like the world could stop turning, the sun wouldn't rise, and they could enjoy this for eternity. Even then, it would all pass too quickly, but at least they wouldn't be wasting away the moments feeling sorry for themselves.

The white magic user allowed herself to melt into the hold, responding to the tenderness with her own as their mouths met again. She could feel sparks in her chest at every soft bit of friction between them, making her sigh. One hand roamed the others back, carressing in a soothing fashion as doubts slipped away until they were gone. Nothing else mattered that what she wanted right then and there, and the girl knew exactly what she was so desperate for.

"I'd like to show you, if you'd let me." she whispered back, going back to kissing the other princess. However, she didn't stay still, soon moving her lips across Mercury's cheek, briefly pausing to nibble at her ear, before sliding down her neck and throat, leaving a trail of nips and licks along the way.


mizunosenshi July 17 2011, 18:04:36 UTC
Mercury didn't want to feel sorry for herself or for Amelia. There were too many pleasant memories there in her heart to ignore in favor of the unhappier ones. There would be time later, time to think and to plot even, but Amelia was right, all they needed to do tonight was feel. And she wanted to feel happy.

There was nothing in her years of study that could have prepared her for the intensity of the feelings that surged as their lips began to move, friction growing from the subtle movements of their bodies. Mercury found herself humming softly as she tilted her head. Amelia had always been the more adventurous one, more likely to take the lead as Mercury provided support.

Slender fingers worked their way deeper into Amelia's hair until finding their way to her neck. There Mercury rubbed her thumb softly over the warm skin, arms draped loosely about Amelia's shoulders. Every move she left her with a shiver, a tingling that spread out from her chest and worked its way down to the tips of her toes and fingers. A soft sigh escaped her lips as Amelia kissed first her cheek, then her ear. Mercury tilted her head even more, whispering Amelia's name as her hands slowly moved down her sides to her hips and held her close. "Anything for you, Amelia."


healsforjustice July 17 2011, 20:27:36 UTC
The healer sighed against Mercury's neck, her breath tickling the skin as she continued to explore. Up until tonight things had been rather chaste between them. Yes there had been touches and kisses, but both felt it wouldn't be terribly proper, particularly in case they were spotted. They didn't need the gossip spreading before Amelia got the chance to tell her father the entire story. That hesitance was gone now, as it seemed neither of them wanted to part with regrets.

Ever impulsive, the princess softly bit down on the pale flesh, just between the neck and shoulder, quickly kissing the mark to sooth any nipping pain. Lingering a moment longer, she eventually pulled back to look at Mercury. Her face was no longer bitter or hurt. She was smiling, hopeful, face flushed and rosy. Hopefully now she reminded the other princess more of the girl she had met in the library all those months ago.

"Come with me then." she asked softly, taking the other girl's hands and leading her towards the bed, never breaking eye contact. The moon shone through the open doors, leaving a puddle of light to flicker over them, any contact it made making things glow with a soft silver light.


mizunosenshi July 18 2011, 00:09:13 UTC
Those brief moments before where they'd thrown caution to the wind had at first left Mercury feeling awkward and embarrassed. She knew that Amelia would always be recognized in Seyruun because of who she was, but to make matters worse she'd caught Venus and Jupiter both sneaking around to see what she was up to. That was one reason she had opted so often to meet Amelia in the library, knowing the other two girls would become easily lost inside. The other reason was she felt the most comfortable there. A touch to the cheek and a tender kiss on the lips, it had seemed so much before.

Mercury's breath hitched as Amelia's impulsiveness sent little sparks along the skin of her neck. The princess rolled her head with a low hum, and continued to move until she was again looking upon Amelia's lovely face. That was the look of the cheerful princess she'd met so many moons ago, upbeat and happy especially when sharing each others company. It brought a smile to her face, one that she hoped conveyed just how wonderful Amelia made her feel.

"As you wish," she whispered in return, the hint of laughter just beneath her words. Mercury followed along with slow, steady steps, also refusing to look away. With the moon light at Amelia's back, for a moment the glow surrounded the Seyruun princess, as if she were an angel reaching out to her. That was how she felt at that moment. As they neared the bed Mercury reached out to push a few strands of glowing hair from Amelia's face, an used the moment to close the distance between them once again. "You look like an angel."


healsforjustice July 18 2011, 12:21:34 UTC
Naturally Seyruun was an important kingdom, so having their princess in a relationship was a big deal. It might have been self centered in the understanding of her position, but Amelia didn't want her romantic life to be the latest polictical topic of the land. Hence why she had decided to wait to tell her father about it. It worked for both of them, as even though she never questioned Mercury's own situation, not wanting to pry, she knew the other girl was rather skittish for some reason, as if she was worried she too was being watched. Still, the healer couldn't complain; all the stolen bits of affection were well worth it.

Despite the sadness of the situation ebbing in the back of her mind, Amelia couldn't help but revel in a pleasant euphoria as she continued touching and kissing the other princess. Glancing at her face, the young priestess felt enchanted by the expression she saw. She had never imagined there would be someone to look at her that way. She always thought her hyperactive ways would deter suitors, not finding them dignified for someone of royal blood. It just went to show how lucky she was, and she would not waste the chance to show her lover her gratitude.

There was silence as they stopped near the edge of the bed, still bathed in the moonlight. The girl blinked at the touch to her face and hair, so caught up in the happy feelings that she hadn't realized the space between them was gone again. Her cheeks flushed at the words, but she still smiled nonetheless.

"That means a lot coming from you." she replied, again giving in to impulse as her arms suddenly coiled around Mercury, holding her tight and pulling her down onto the bed, letting the other girl's body sprawl on top of her. Her hands soon began wandering over her back, lips meeting again, this time with added passion in the kiss.


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