Prompt Post 3

Jul 10, 2011 10:08

Welcome to the third round of  the_eagle_kink
Please see the rules before posting. Please check our delcious account before prompting.
Happy Kink, everyone.

NOTES and REMINDERS:  Please remember that constructive criticism is allowed ONLY if the author indicates that they are open to it.  All comments containing concrit for fics that have not ( Read more... )

prompt post

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Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt ladytiferet July 10 2011, 20:41:14 UTC
OK, no point in anoning ;)

... )


Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt ladytiferet July 10 2011, 21:17:02 UTC
That art is gorgeous. Do want! We need some moar were!fic.


Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt ladytiferet July 10 2011, 21:18:59 UTC
Thanks! And totally, I need some pretext to make more werecat!Marcus art :)


Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt sistermine July 10 2011, 22:53:19 UTC
Pretext? How about if we just ask you, or, you know, beg.



Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt ladytiferet July 10 2011, 22:55:03 UTC
That would be, like, the fourth lame self-fill for me, I should get kicked out after the third one ;P


FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) ladytiferet July 11 2011, 15:07:46 UTC
We can now try to come up with some proper terms for me (I'm thinking "self-indulgent sucker for teh pretty"; also, "lame self-filler").
It's just that there is no bigger kink for me than badass boys with beaten up faces :P

... )


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) floatxxaway July 11 2011, 15:29:42 UTC
Oh gosh, hurt!Marcus is probably my biggest kink ever, and unff! I love your art and this is awesome. And there's tattoos! near the freckles! yesss <3


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) ladytiferet July 12 2011, 11:58:02 UTC
Thanks :) On his other arm there is a corresponding tattoo with an ice theme instead of fire, maybe I'll be able to show it on some other pic ;)


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) sistermine July 11 2011, 17:06:24 UTC
You can carry on shamelessly self-filling as long as you like.

Think of it as chapters in a story - you'd need to keep adding bits as the plot unfolds.


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) ladytiferet July 12 2011, 11:59:46 UTC
Well, when you put it like that it actually makes sense :)


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) coeurdesoleil July 11 2011, 20:06:48 UTC
Oh wow both the art prompt and the fill are gorgeous!!

Unff Marcus all bloodied up looks amazing!


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) ladytiferet July 12 2011, 12:07:18 UTC
Thank you :D My idea is that the upper shot is an after-fight candid and the next one the photo op from the day after :)


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) the_eagle_mod July 11 2011, 20:48:24 UTC
Please remember to post all fills as direct replies to the original prompt. It makes things easier for anyone following the meme (myself included). Thank you!


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) ladytiferet July 12 2011, 12:08:35 UTC
I'll remember about it (unless they're multiple fills, like the were!Esca, then I put them as responses to the previous one, right?).


Re: FILL (ART): All Bets Off (werecat fighter!Marcus) the_eagle_mod July 12 2011, 19:03:11 UTC
Yes. Thanks so much.


Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt poziomeczka July 16 2011, 07:02:10 UTC
I love both your art and your prompts :)


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