Prompt Post 3

Jul 10, 2011 10:08

Welcome to the third round of  the_eagle_kink
Please see the rules before posting. Please check our delcious account before prompting.
Happy Kink, everyone.

NOTES and REMINDERS:  Please remember that constructive criticism is allowed ONLY if the author indicates that they are open to it.  All comments containing concrit for fics that have not ( Read more... )

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Comments 4764

Esca/Marcus, military/spy (possible s-f) AU anonymous July 10 2011, 17:24:40 UTC
Marcus is a high level military officer (of the current reigning Empire) who got assigned a new assistant, Esca. Esca is modest, silent, reliable, takes his duties very seriously and, as it turns out, has brilliant tactical insight. After a couple of months of them working together Marcus has to transport some extremely sensitive documents from one place (planet) to the other. In the middle of nowhere Esca turns on Marcus, fights him (or drugs him), and takes both Marcus and the documents god knows where.
As it turns out, Esca is one of the most excellent warriors/spies of the rebel forces.
Setting can be s-f, but it doesn't have to be, the plot will work in every historical context :)
Uber!BAMF!Esca would please me greatly :)


Re: Esca/Marcus, military/spy (possible s-f) AU inkpixe October 16 2011, 05:34:37 UTC
OMG!! I love you! Sci-fi/historical kink for all the cookies. X)


Re: Esca/Marcus, military/spy (possible s-f) AU anonymous October 16 2011, 14:22:28 UTC
The humble OP just wishes somebody would feel inspired to write it ;)


Re: Esca/Marcus, military/spy (possible s-f) AU imera January 31 2013, 02:30:53 UTC
This propt! It will be my first eagle fiction. Need to clear my calendar


Esca/Marcus [GEN] h/c anonymous July 10 2011, 18:23:27 UTC
(first time, mod, hope I posted correctly)

Some good platonic Marcus whumpage, SVP. Gen or bromance preferably, mildly implied slash at the very outside. Circumstances up to anon (injury, illness, military, etc.), but I'd like a healthy mix of comfort and snark. Could be movie- or book-verse, so long as it's canon.


Re: Esca/Marcus [GEN] h/c the_eagle_mod July 11 2011, 20:12:35 UTC
You did. :)


Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt ladytiferet July 10 2011, 20:41:14 UTC
OK, no point in anoning ;)

... )


Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt ladytiferet July 10 2011, 21:17:02 UTC
That art is gorgeous. Do want! We need some moar were!fic.


Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt ladytiferet July 10 2011, 21:18:59 UTC
Thanks! And totally, I need some pretext to make more werecat!Marcus art :)


Re: Esca/Marcus, werecat!fighters AU, art prompt sistermine July 10 2011, 22:53:19 UTC
Pretext? How about if we just ask you, or, you know, beg.



Esca/Marcus, college AU anonymous July 10 2011, 20:53:57 UTC
Esca and Marcus are THE MOST INCOMPATIBLE dorm roommates ever.
People started taking bets on who will kill whom...


FILL: Exhibit G lalazee July 11 2011, 01:31:16 UTC
A/N: Hmmm, so this ended up with more banter and far less sex, sorry! Anyone who wants to write the sex is, y’know, free to have at it. Enjoy anyway!

Exhibit A

“You threw away my top?” Esca said in a decibel which Marcus had previously assumed only dogs and dolphins could fully comprehend.

“To be fair, it doesn’t actually look like a real person’s shirt,” Marcus said, not looking up from his laptop. He had to finish this history paper before the weekend. The Eagles had a game on Saturday and he wanted his conscience clear of any neglected, nagging homework. “I thought it was like a rag or something.”

“A rag. A rag. That was Dolce and bloody Gabbana you fucking oaf, not some towel that you wipe your constantly sweaty body with!”

Marcus frowned and jerked his shoulder for a covert sniff of his armpit. He didn’t smell that bad. It was a clean sweat, not an un-bathed sweat. There was totally a difference ( ... )


FILL: Exhibit G lalazee July 11 2011, 01:31:34 UTC
Exhibit C

“Okay, dude, I’m not trying to cramp your style or anything - but could you wear clothes just, uh, more often?” Marcus said as he walked into the room to find Esca stalking back and forth in tight black boxers while muttering lines to himself and gesturing with one hand.

“No,” Esca said and turned away to concentrate on his script.

“Right,” Marcus said dumbly. There really wasn’t much else he could add to the conversation.

Exhibit D

“Go watch telly somewhere else,” Esca said with a flippant wave of his hand. His middle fingernail was painted dark purple.

“I was here first, and you’re just reading a book.”

Esca’s stare was icy and immobile. “I can’t read when you’re blasting whatever the fuck this shite is. Crabs Gone Wild or something.”

“Deadliest Catch,” Marcus said, and punched up the volume another notch.

“That, yes. Make it stop.”

“It’s my room too.”

“Oh please,” Esca said and rolled his eyes. “I’m not having this conversation ( ... )


FILL: Exhibit G lalazee July 11 2011, 01:32:13 UTC
Exhibit E

Esca’s throaty moans woke Marcus up at ass-o’clock in the morning.

Speaking of asses - someone’s was getting pounded not five freaking feet above him. By the sounds of things, Marcus was fairly sure Esca was uh... enjoying it. A lot.

Marcus felt his face go up in flame as he attempted to smother himself with a pillow. Even with down feathers clogging Marcus’ ears, he could still feel the bed shudder and hear the faintest tail-end of Esca’s hoarse gasp. Marcus’ dick twitched in his boxers - and yes, today was the day he would officially die through his own force of will. Because death was certainly better than this.

Well if Esca had the balls to mortify him like this, Marcus could turn the tables too.

“Hey,” Marcus yelled as he thwacked his pillow at the top mattress. “Some people actually have classes in the morning. Not all of us get up at noon with a Red Bull and stumble into theatre to pretend to be sad trees or whatever ( ... )


Esca/Marcus, jealous! Marcus, growling anonymous July 10 2011, 20:58:35 UTC
I want jealous, possessive, GROWLING Marcus. I don't care about the setting :)
Ah, preferably not in an established relationship ;)


Re: Esca/Marcus, jealous! Marcus, growling poziomeczka July 16 2011, 07:08:14 UTC

oh god. i am so sorry. i promised myself i'll keep myself this time around at the kmm. CLEARLY NOT AN OPTION.


Re: Esca/Marcus, jealous! Marcus, growling anonymous July 16 2011, 09:09:59 UTC
Well, your enthusiasm is the best compliment for prompter's imagination :D


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