I just installed a new firewall after I discovered that
BitTorrent DNA was constantly running in the background and saturating my connection with garbage. If you've used or installed DNA (or installed any third-party applications that install DNA without telling you), keep an eye on btdna.exe because despite the promise that it would only run while I was viewing DNA-accelerated content, it runs all the time anyways. It's malware as far as I'm concerned and BitTorrent Inc. will need to make some major changes before I'm going to touch their lousy software again.
I'm keeping a closer eye on incoming connections as well, and I noticed that I keep getting connection attempts from IPs in China to various ports like Google Talk and my Symantec Antivirus client. I should probably just blacklist the entire Chinese IP range.
I'm going to a
DragonForce concert
in Detroit tomorrow night. It should be awesome.