Jan 06, 2008 00:06
ok so yesterday was Steph's party and i really really wanted to go, but my dad didnt want to drive all the way out in Honeyoye Falls and such so i was trying to find a ride and it hit me in the middle of health class that Tim Gregory just got his license and im like "pssst....tim...you wanna go to stephs party tonight?" and he's like "steph who?" and im like "steph fisher, shes having a christmas party" and hes like "ok, i have work till 9, you just get directions and i'll come pick u up after work" and im like "ok" so it was great. Tim didnt end up picking me up till like 10:35 and then we had directions and we're like looking all over for street signs and such and it took us 45 minutes to get to her house because we had no idea where we were going since we couldnt see street signs and we thought we were going to hit deer. at one point we had to go to this 'round about' and it was crazy...i cant even explain what it is, its just insane, and like we were looking for a street sign cause and then this HUGE truck was tailgating us, and we went down the next street to get away from them and they were honking at us and we're like "wtf youre a loser" and then got back on the same road and we finally found a street sign like 5 mi later only to find out we were on the right street the whole time and we had to turn all the way around to find the street we had to be on. then we finally got there. and John Alati was there, and i didnt know anyone else there but it ended up being a pretty good time. then we had to drive all the way back home and this time we got lost again, it only took us 30 min this time. but we just couldnt see street signs and we were going like 25 mi in a 50 mi area because we were afraid we were going to hit deer and Tim was trying to put on his fog lights but accidently turned them off and we were like screaming and then at one point we couldnt see the road cause the hill was so steep and we were like "if we die....atleast we die together..." lol omg it was so much fun. when we finally got back home i was like "we should do this again sometime...except in places that have street lights....and somewhere closer to home." it was funny. i miss hanging out with Tim. we have alot of fun together.
omg honestly it was like we were a married couple in the car, he was like 'are you sure this is the right way?" and im like "...no..." omg too much fun.