Girls Are Weird.

Dec 02, 2007 05:41

First a little back-story.

A few months ago, a girl added me to myspace. I asked how she knew me, and she said that she was the sister of a guy I went to high school with. I guess she found me through his page. Well, I could tell she was interested in me, but I didn't act on it.

A few weeks ago, I decided, "hmm, let's see what this girl's about". I talked with her a little on myspace, got the phone number, etc. Well, I was too busy digging my own grave a needle hole at a time to really bother with girls. Well, that's a lie. I messed around with a couple girls, but only if it were convenient, and only if it didn't get in the way of my true love: heroin.

Well, then it came time to kick. As you've read, I stayed at Brian's for a day, and wrote a huge post("Life Is Beautiful"; it's a few entries before this one). Later that night(Tuesday), I felt very energetic. I felt something I hadn't felt in a while: a passion for life. I texted just about everyone in my phone book, in attempts to make plans. People I've fallen out of touch with, and even people I've only met once.

Well, obviously, one of them was her. She wanted me to come to a strip club with her that night(hmm, maybe this girl could have potential). While I was mentally energetic, I was still physically drained, so I had to decline. I made plans to go clubbing with her during the weekend, and go to the strip club this Tuesday.

Well, over the next few days, texts went back and forth. I knew it was on because she was calling me "hun" and "babe"(which actually kind of annoyed me, seeing as she'd never even met me). She sent me a text saying that she has no money, and asked if I'd pay for her to get into the club. It's what we in that little ol' community call a shit test. If I paid without her earning it, it would say all kinds of bad things about me, and even go so far as to kill all attraction. I know better, and I wasn't going to jump through her hoop. I just ignored it.

The next day, she sent me a text saying, "take me ice skating". Wow, this girl really doesn't know who she's dealing with, does she? Dates are for people I share a romantic connection with, not someone I haven't even gotten to know yet. It was another test. The psychology of this shit states that it's okay to jump through a hoop, but only after they have shown compliance by jumping through one of your hoops. The hoops start ("Tell me your name"), and gradually build("have sex with me"). If you jump through a huge hoop early on, you just appear desperate and needy. This all sounds weird, but it's not. If a girl comes up to you and tells you to buy her a drink, and you do, you're a bitch in her eyes. If you buy her a drink while you're on a date with her, you're a courteous person. It's all context.

Wow, I swore I'd stay away from technical jargon. Anyway, I decided to steal her frame, and throw the hoop back at her.

Me: I'll take you skating if you buy me dinner.
Her: WHAT?! I have no money, that's why I need you to take me.
Me: Well, no ice skating for you.
Her: You're mean!

I didn't respond. I know better. Sure, I may not have come across too romantically, but I increased her attraction for me. How do I know? Within two minutes of me not responding, she send me another text to keep the conversation going.

Last night, she sent a text asking how I was doing. I said I was playing guitar. A little later, she called me. I ignored it since I was still playing guitar, and I decided that that took priority. Exercising creativity>girls. She called many times in a row; I didn't pick up.

Today she texted me.

Her: I called you last night!

I had nothing to say to that, so I didn't say anything. Later she texted with:

Her: I'm most likely going to City tonight! You should come!

I didn't answer at the time since I was at Meijer, talking to ex-co-workers and grocery shopping. I then decided that it sounded like fun, so I texted everyone asking who wanted to go. I then texted her saying I'd be there. Then the following exchange happens:

Her: I'm not sure if I'm going. The roads are bad, and we had an accident with our car.
Me: Loser! Get out here :) [smiley used to stress the light-heartedness of my tone]
Her: I can't! If you want me to come, maybe you should pick me up!
Me: Depends... how far are you from Melvindale?
Her: I dunno, mapquest it. X and Y cross streets.
Me: I'm not near a computer.
Her: Then get near one, sheesh. I don't have internet.
Her: You know what? Nevermind. I don't wanna go anywhere with you. I can see why my brother was friends with you. [Not really sure what that means, since I have never been friends with her brother. I was acquaintances with a friend of his, at most.]
Her: Take Michigan all the way, you don't wanna take the freeways.

I was a bit confused over why she would send the "nevermind" one, then continue to give me directions. But I'm not going to tolerate that disrespect. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt since she followed up with directions; maybe she meant the text for someone else... as slim of a chance as that might be.

Me: Uh... what?
Her: What?

I didn't respond. I didn't need to. She disrespected me, so I wasn't going to reward her with my time until she corrected it.

Her: This seems to be too complicated for you.

I actually laughed out loud at this one. THE FUCKING NERVE! I'm literally considering RISKING MY LIFE by driving to get some girl I hardly know and take her to a club, and she's going to disrespect me like that? Who the hell does this little girl think she is? I'm not even attracted to this girl; I was going to get her because everyone else was busy.

Me: I'm not enjoying your attitude, so maybe it's best if you don't come.
Her: LOL. Kay. TTYL. Have Fun!

What a psycho! Who in their right mind thinks that kind of behavior is acceptable?! I'm just glad I learned this about her through text instead of in person. I guess maybe she thinks I'm hurt or upset that she took away the privilege of her company. In reality, I'm just amused beyond all belief. I mean, this kind of behavior is kind of common among really hot girls. They will do shit like that because nine times out of ten, no one will call them on it. Guys will kiss their ass in hopes of getting laid.

So the behavior isn't a shock... I'm just shocked that SHE did it... I mean, judging by her pictures, she's semi-cute at best... and you know how myspace pictures are. To be honest, I kind of feared what she may look like in real life. Either way, it seems like she is used to guys kissing her ass, and she can't stand it when it doesn't happen.

The whole situation made me laugh. It's like, "are you serious? You think it's acceptable to speak to ME that way? Really? I currently have girls 10x as hot as you interested in me, and you're really going to act this way?" But then I got thinking deeper... She is this way for a reason. Because she's learned that it's acceptable. She probably behaves this way a lot, and lots of guys probably tolerate it. And she's not even that attractive! My gender is pathetic...

Then I remembered how I used to be. Years ago, I'd probably kiss her ass. I'm just so glad I woke up and freed myself of all that shit. I can't believe how guys will let girls walk all over them. Is pussy that fucking special to you people? And the irony is that if you tolerate women treating you like that, you're MUCH less likely yo get laid. But I guess some guys are just desperate and clueless.

I'm really rambling a lot with this post. But I just wanted to document it here before I deleted the texts since I find it funny as hell. I'm also predicting that she will most likely resume contact with me in a few days. This type of girl is so fucking predictable. Yawn. Tragically, she's lost her chance. My curiousity for her is dead, and I will now devout time to other girls. Meh, her loss.

I REALLY need to find out where all the quality girls hang out...

Oh, in closing, I'd like to say this. To all the girls reading, please don't take offense to me constantly saying there are no quality girls. If you're my friend, I consider you a quality person. I know many quality girls; there are just none that are currently viable as romantic interests. So yeah, don't take this shit personally; I don't mean you.
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