
Jun 30, 2020 08:35

Asleep possibly by one, awake probably somewhere between five and six, up just before seven. Weight just under 141. Not great, but about what I'd expect after having three (3!) bagels on Saturday and another one on Sunday. You don't got from zero simple carbs to eleventy without consequences.

Michael returned his rental car, received delivery of the new car and headed back to work. Impressed how quickly he found and acquired a new car after last week's accident in which he "bestowed upon a doe the gift of flight" into his windshield.

Morning routine is making the bed, skwunching the dogs and letting them out, replenishing their food and water and watering the plants. Then bath (washing hair every other day to cut down on wear and tear), more dog cuddling, then coffee. Usually decaf, occasionally half decaf, half caffeinated butter caramel, taken with half and half and Splenda. I was pleased that I wasn't ravenous when I woke up. Breakfast will be two hard boiled eggs and 3/4 of a frozen banana, to be eaten over the course of the morning when I'm actually hungry.

Normally at this time I'd be wallowing in Facebook for some semblance of human contact. These days it's just memes and more news about people being shitty, so it's easier to stay away. I've made a filter of closer friends and family so I can swoop through when I want to check on them, hopefully averaging about 10 minutes a day or even once a week. If I spend an hour or more on Facebook it usually poisons my day. And me posting stuff is usualy just me just sharing, which adds to the problem for everyone else.

I'm now substituting LiveJournal to fill that void. The more you write, the easier it gets. I started on the 23rd. Just need to do two extra posts to get it up to averaging one per day. I want to get more people back to blogging, but I can't expect anyone to follow if I'm not doing it myself. The first week or two, especially when work is still fraught and sleep is horrible, it's just going to be boring day-to-day content at first, then chronicling creative projects. I find that I do more of those if I'm posting regularly.

It's nearly 08:30, which is when I go from me time to working. Today I'm shooting for getting at least half of my hooping in during work. I want to see how it affects my day if I do it around three, which is when I'm dragging the hardest. For now it's one more coffee and logging in. Work Zoom is already pinging, but it's probably just chatter in the RCON testing group.

housemate, regime, morning, facebook, lj, work

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