Halloween Season Plans and Beyond

Oct 22, 2009 00:27

I've been hearing that, like me, a number of people have been on the fence about what to do about Halloween; so much cool stuff is happening, and all at the same time.  Aiigghhh!

So I've finally hunkered down with the calendar and made some decisions:

Thu 22 - 7 PM - State Fair, Baby!
(The 22nd is a food drive - 4 cans of food gets you admission to the faire.  A bunch of friends will be there.  My cell, by the way, is 919.491.6040.  I'm not big on heights, so I won't be riding the screamy rides, but I'll be happy to hold your hair if you yack after your post-chocolate-covered bacon doomcoaster extravaganza.  :-D

Fri 23 - Mom will be in town!  Quick!  Look busy and she'll raid the garage and start painting the house!  Or we could drag her down to Hookah Bliss.

Sat 24....here we go...
Two Halloween parties that I know of thus far.  The huge one is out toward Apex, which makes it awkward to do anything else that evening without a lot of driving around.  The 2nd one will be close by, but it tends to be really low key.  To further muddle the pool, Man Man are playing at the Cherry Bounce in Raleigh and Electric Six (ELECTRIC SIX!!!) are playing at the Cat's Cradle in Carrboro with the Gay Blades and Millions of Brazillions.

So here's how I figure this one out...these are great non-local bands - who knows when they'll come through again.  One's in Raleigh and one's in Carrboro, much closer to home, and I have a feeling that I'll have more fun at Electric Six.  I may try to make one of the Halloween parties, but can make no promises.  I hate to miss any of the great parties, but I want to do less rushing around and more being in the moment.  (Wow.  Deep.)

Then we get to Terror Week Itself:

Eccentrik Festival at Mansion 462 in Chapel Hill  (the whole weekend:  $25 in advance / $35 at the door)
Thu 29 - $5 (single day door price)  DJs Kantrip & the Davenports / Meet & Greet <== should be fun and danceable

Fri 30 - $15 (single day door price)  Extraordinary Contraptions, (Clockwork Dolls canceled), Lemming Malloy and Two Men Gentlemen Band  <=== looking forward to seeing the Gentlemen Band

Sat 31 - $15 (single day door price)  Unwoman, Veronique Diabolique and Vernian Process <=== sigh.....
Although I've been dying to see the expanded lineup of Vernian Process, their evening conflicts with The Temptation Masked Ball at Volume 11, that and Chapel Hill will be a pain in the ass for parking on Halloween, so I'm taking that as a sign to stick with the first two days of the festival and to go the Masked Ball.

Sat 31 -$5 before 11 / $10 after 11 (with costume) Temptation Masked Ball at Volume 11 at 10 PM

Sat 31 Talullah’s Halloween Party (if Temptation starts to wind down.  I may be tempted to stop by and see what Halloween looks like at Talullah's and maybe catch Vernian Process...who knows?  (Halp!)

Fri 6th - Rave ‘Til Dawn at Flex $10
Fri 13th - The Cult at Lincoln Theatre 8 PM $30 advance / $35 at the Door <== OMG!

I may be inclined to stow away again on a certain local radio show (beware of Bostonians bearing gifts, like Tasty Beverages, vinyl and some giggly fun reads)

And somewhere in November or December there will be a visit to Asheville to give Isaac a skwunch. 'cause, well, it's skwunching time.

It's horribly tempting to do EVERYTHING, but the monies is tight this season and I need to stay away from burnout mode.  When Halloween is over there will be more writing and some making stuff too....

halloween, carpe noctem

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