ZOMG it's pretty out.

Oct 29, 2006 13:27

It was windy today~ That made me happy. On the way to the cafeteria, I listened to the wind in the trees, and the wind higher up in the sky... They were like melodies, running together. On the way back from brunch, it was so much windier than before... I actually felt strong resistance walking, when the wind was blowing against me. The leaves were stirring and dancing in the air... my face was flushed, and the cold wind made me cry a little. Ahh, today’s a good day already~

-^_^- Earlier today, I sent Angelo a video that I made last night (he fell asleep last night before I could give it to him ~_~;;). Seeing his various reactions of happiness made me laugh. He’s so cute ^_^ I’m glad I could make him happy.

XD He said a lot of other cute things today, too:

“I wish I were a derivative... I’d lay tangent to your curves.”
“You could say... my love for you is like x^2... it’s unbounded.”
“We should push our limits to the max... and see if we converge.”

God, I love nerds. If there’s a list of pick-up lines for nerds, those should be on it.

Oh, and for an update from yesterday: Hobbit DID win Homecoming King! I don’t know the girl who won Queen. ...In fact, I don’t think I knew anyone but Hobbit and Sara (the two people I voted for). I wonder what it’ll be like when I’m a senior, and actually know people... ... ...Though I don’t really know the popular people who usually get nominated. But surely I’ll at least have been in a few classes with some of them!

I guess I should go do my homework and take-home test now. *put it off yesterday* =P
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