ZOMG *another* entry

Oct 28, 2006 13:08

Sweet, Japanese DOES work here. Though... it's not like I know Japanese really well. I'll wait for some native speaker to read this and be like "wwwwwwwwwwwww". [Japanese internet shorthand for 笑う/わらう/warau, meaning "laugh". It's like their version of "lol".]

So... I think I like these colours. Maybe. And even if I don't, I doubt I'll hate them... and something tells me I'll be much too lazy to change them if I don't utterly loathe them.

Uhh... that's all for now. I'm going to go eat, and then... maybe go to homecoming? But probably not. It's cold outside, and probably still wet from when it rained last night. And I don't really care about football. I think the football game is going on now. Mmm, though I'm interested if my senior friend Hobbit is going to be crowned homecoming king... The whole campus will find out at halftime.

Eh, I'll probably just call a friend in a few hours with my Razor-phone-that-Angelo-says-costs-a-lot-of-money. Stupid parents, always getting expensive stuff when I didn't even want a phone. But if it's a family plan thingie, maybe it's free? I dunno. Anyway, I'll just call someone and find out that way... I'm too lazy to actually go ALL THE WAY OVER to the football field and find out. Because our campus is SO huge... >_>

*wanders off to eat and do her take-home hieroglyphics test*
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