More Worthless Emo Claptrap

Jul 06, 2009 02:30

I'm probably not going to be around at SRT for the next few days. Class is starting, I have work to do for my sister's party and I need to decide if I want to stick around or not. I have it on good authority that I'm kind of terrible and I'm sick of being where I'm not wanted.

In Other News: I'm almost 25 years old, don't have so much as an associate's degree, have made no progress in getting a literary career started or so much as a review on a fanfiction site that's a complete sentence, I'm probably going to fail my next driving test, my teeth are shot to hell and I don't know if I'm going to have enough cash to fix them, all my mom ever talks about is how much I, my clothes, and my room stink even though I don't do laundry any less than anyone else in the house, and I still can't get my ex out of my head even though she ditched me while I was having a nervous break down and didn't even have the common decency to tell me herself.

I wrote all that out so I can have a clear list to give the next person who asks me, mockingly, what could possibly have me in a bad mood. Just last week, things were really, honestly looking up, and as usual, reality settles in to remind me what a pathetic specimen of humanity I really am. I don't know how I'm going to get myself out of this in time to keep mom from noticing. Fortunately she's so busy with my sister's drama and the aunts and uncles that I can probably just keep things under wraps if we actually do get out to do school shopping. And then this Friday I get to see all of her little friends come over and snicker about the basement ogre and his fat, greasy face and why is he talking to us does he not get how pathetic that is? when all I asked was if anyone minded if I finished off a bottle of soda. My big boost last month was getting an A in an algebra class until I realized that it was all on stuff that I had started learning back in honors math in elementary school.

hopefully this is just a chemical surge and i'll feel better in a few hours. even if it is all true-what's truth but the most convincing reason for a person to hate themselves?
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