The first thing Francine did when she woke up, as she did every morning, was bounce out of bed... to kneel on the floor next to it and fold her hands. "Dear God, thank you for letting me wake up this morning, and please bless Momma and Benjamin and Daddy wherever he is, and all the little kitties and puppies in the world, and please make the evil whoring secretary find it in her heart to give Daddy back, and shine your light on my roommate so she'll change her unnatural ways and stop smoking and not go to Hell, or maybe like just the nice Hell where you send unbaptized babies and stuff, and help me to make this a better day for everyone. Amen!"
Then she bounced right back up, made her bed, put on the skirt, blouse and sweater she'd carefully laid out the night before, brushed her hair exactly a hundred strokes, kissed the picture of her family on her dresser, called home and left a verse and a chorus of I just called to say I love you! on her mom's answering machine, and headed off to the kitchen to make herself a perfectly balanced breakfast of eggs, bacon, pancakes, orange juice, milk, cereal, biscuits and gravy and love, like a perfectly innocent girl who'd never
touched alcohol in her
life, and certainly hadn't
run naked and screaming through town last year. Or at least, thanks to a certain encounter with a drunken hypnotist in the park when she was thirteen, was very, very good at repressing all of the above.
[Estaaaablishy! Francine is... Francine, just dialed up to twelve, in Perfect Daughter mode. She's also the same Francine she was last SOW, so tasting alcohol will trigger a post-hypnotic suggestion that will turn her into someone else entirely.]
And then she went off into the world to
Father Ned is in J,GoB! But not in church! Father Merlin is there! He's also in Caritas! With sinners! ...And Arthur. And then there were four! ...Uh. And then there were two!