Jun 29, 2005 16:35
I found my school memories book that weve kept since pre-k. Ive bben looking through the years for about an hour. I couldnt help but laugh at some of the things in there like class pictures and report cards. So, I thought Id share some of the amusing points from it with you.
Ive basically always been a pretty good student. For academic classes Ive gotten A's generally but apparently I have always had really bad handwriting. In first grade I got a C at the end of the year for it and through sixth it never went above a B. And go figure this one out: In third grade (and prolly others too) shy little me was a chatterbox in class. Wtf?! Now this is the part im most confused about in my early education. Ive always been way better at math than at writing (with the exception of that on CTBS test in third grade...dont know what was up with that...) but I feel like Ivealways been really good at editing and stuff. Wrong! All through elementary school Ive gotten really bad marks on proofreading and editing and sentence structure and spelling, etc, even though now I am a very good speller, I rock at proofreading and editing, and I think I throw sentences together just fine.
Well Im done for now. Im off to go be uber bored again with nothing to do.