
Jan 05, 2011 16:39

So I've emerged from the Den of Despair (tm) that my life became at the 2nd of 2010 there... and have steadily become much healthier and happier.  I sought treatment for what was diagnosed as major depression (nailed it) and I have not felt this good this consistently in a very long time.  I learned a large number of things along the way and have given myself a few more tools to use to fight those feelings.  I'm still a long way from healing some of the things that ail me (self confidence, you and I still got beef) but by and large I've made a great number of strides in the time between this and my last post a month ago.

I'm very excited for 2011, and I envision myself turning the page in several different components of my life.  Let's see what I can do to keep things moving in the right direction!

Changes already made: Cut my hair (and when I realized it was done poorly, I trimmed it again- looking pretty sleek, surely pictures will surface on Facebook eventually).  I'm looking pretty good, between the hair cut and the being down 70 pounds since my fat days!  Even putting some muscle on and getting a little more 'cut up'.  I'm no bodybuilder, but I'm looking like a healthy and strapping young man these days.

Wardrobe updates: The days of wearing strictly sports-fandom related shirts and clothes are over.  I have remade my wardrobe (with pointed/helpful advice from my best of female friends) to be more fitting with my svelter frame and my physical attributes.  It helps me feel good about who it is I'm putting out there.  I even picked up a pair of very nice suits (for court, among other things) that'll have me styling at formal events.  I'm ready for the wedding circuit.

Classes: Taking a pair of classes this term also, to enable me to go to grad school should I later choose to (and it looks like a better idea by the day).

Attitude: Substantial changes have already been made, but I think it's critical for me to recognize that I'm moving in the right direction... but by no means have I reached a satisfactory destination yet either.  Having my depression diagnosed and starting Prozac have been very helpful for my mood and have me back ready to fight the good fight, so to speak.  I don't consider it a long-term solution, but it's allowing me to take a mindset in the short-term that will help me grow as a person.  I still need work on self-esteem, especially as it pertains to my ability to flirt, etc.  All the other things I've done should help make that a bit easier.  2011 goal: To get laid with a different partner.  I'm due.

Good riddance 2010, you were a punk-bitch.
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