no internet plus upcoming finals makes mel something something (go crazy?)
I just opened like, 20 of yalls posts in tabs that looked interesting. these aren't even fic things, just personal/misc posts I want to keep up with. *facepalm* you'll hear from me sometimes next decade.
on Thursday, my semester will officially be over. *clings to shreds of sanity* my finals go one a day for 4 days, including written and lab practical parts, and they are cumulative. not cumulative like since January. cumulative since August. which for me, given my year off, is August 2006.
hold on to your seats, this is gonna get bumpy.
I got a job. whee! lab job / computer jockey. not the most exciting, but they're going to pay me. this is a novel concept in my life. the kind of work I want to do, volunteer experience is the only option for the requisite buildup of experience. it has sucked balls. well, it's been fun, really fucking awesome, but the financial aspect has sucked balls.
my sister couldn't stop laughing when I told her this will be the highest paying job I've ever had at $8/hr. *facepalm*
plan for weekend-o-noisy-sex-with-visiting-ex-at-parents-place + parents getting robbed in South America and coming home a week early = not fun and mixy. there was a moment when they walked in the door and boy was upstairs in my bed where I was overcome with the blind panic of a 16yo caught doing something naughty. until I remembered I was a grown adult, haha. Boy, meanwhile, was extremely mortified that my mother might notice the sheets.
the bright side is, they didn't come home WHILE we were having noisy sex. small favors.
I have apparently forgotten how to count. 1, 2, 4. heh.)
so anyway I have come to accept that I am incapable of having normal sex dreams about my favorite celebrities. first there was the
dream about Jon stewart where he was a gay man in a marriage of convenience and we agreed to have lots of hot orgies.
so the other night, I was thinking before I went to bed about the convention of making Chris into Jensen's cousin in j2 fic, when the author doesn't want to address Chris/Jen overtones. and how that makes me itch to write Chris/Jen cousincest, haha.
so I go to sleep. and I have this dream. *facepalm* I think you can guess where this is going.
it was christmas or something and Chris was my cousin, I guess, who I'd grown up with but hadn't seen in a few years, but had always had a thing for. and we were flirting the whole time and our family was politely ignoring the whole thing as best they could, and I kept baiting him into kissing me, but all I could get were these chaste sort of family kisses. so we're sneaking around and my sister's all, are you trying to bang our cousin? and I'm like, yeah sorta-kinda-definitely, and my sister being my sister found this extremely amusing. and then finally I lost my patience with his insistence on being, you know, *not incestuous*, and he gave me another damn innocent kiss and I was like, Christian Kane, you are a huge fucking cocktease.
and the look on his *face*. and then I walked away.
and then later, just as we were about to fuck (hey, I knew what I was throw down that kind of challenge, you get results), another cousin (not Jensen, more's the pity...I could have worked with that) arrived and cockblocked and I woke up all pissy.
I mean I guess it's not that hard to figure out where it came from, with the bunny I was contemplating before bed, and the end no doubt being influenced by state of the mel item #4. but regardless, I was highly amused that my brain seems intent on creating these ridiculous premises for my sex dreams.