Jan 21, 2006 15:10
hey everyone.. sup? i know i dont get to update alot mayb on weekends if i come and c my mom.. well.. me n brian broke up.. kind of dont wanna talk about it.. im really sad about it, went to the doctors yesterday, bc my step mom was getting scared bc im carring a baby and cant keep my food down, which isnt good...so i take some kind of nasuea pills and stuff and im on a diet... im still shaking like crazie and i dont know why, well yesterday was pretty kool.. hung out with some friends after skool (friends from roseville YAY!!) went to the mall.. then went home for a couple hours and then went to a party, and then they are like why dont you wanna drink, then i told them and omg it was funny, they were HOLY SHIT! but then i got ash to drive me home early like 10:30 bc they started doing drugs and being stupid so i left.. man im like freezing!! and then this gay fag wont stop calling me and pissing me off! then today was alright my mom came and picked me up from my dads house and we went to the mall and got me some new shoes bc my other shoes turned into a blood bath lol... well i g2g bc brians being gay and wants me to meet him at kennedy ill come bac and up date soo bye