(no subject)

Sep 15, 2004 22:22

Girl: Can I help you? (with major fucking attitude)
Me: Yeah - I need to see "The Dude", I have some papers from "The Office"
Girl: Hold on - one second.
*she dials up his X*
Girl: I have a student here that needs to see you.
*I flash my employee badge*
[Apparently the mother fucker didn't have time to see me, and tells her to have me leave the papers there. I'm thinking this is unfuckingacceptable. And says...]
Me: This is kind of urgent, I just need him to fill this out, it'll take two seconds.
Girl: Well why didn't you say that? I asked you what blah blah blah and you didn't answer me.
*At this point of the exchange I had a Dream-On sequence play in my head where I bashed this girl's head in with a fucking stapler. I was also inches away from telling her, "A vague answer, for a vague quesion, bitch." But - I'm too nice a guy to say that, so I just kept it in.*
*She then calls him back, and The Dude gives the same answer. She tries to repeat what she said earler about me leaving it, I then toss the paper on the desk, clearly missing her extended hand, and walk off with major attitude.*

Attitude is a privilege, not a right, you damn beast.

I then consulted by bosses about what I should do when beasts give me attitude. Apparently - since I'm like the lowest form of employee in the whole district - I can't say anything without jeopardizing my position. But, I will give some face, believe you me.
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