Jun 08, 2008 11:57
Just watched both episodes straight through. I have quite a few random thoughts about these two episodes and no idea how to organize them coherently.
Let me start by saying that this two-parter reminded me a lot of another Moffat episode, namely The Girl in the Fireplace. Both upset me for the same reasons and once I got over being upset I did enjoy the stories. I think the placement of both stories caused me the most anger. GitF came in right on the heels of the Doctor all but telling Rose he loved her. SitL/FotD falls just two episodes before Rose returns. I don't mind the idea that the Doctor could fall in love with someone else. He desrves not to be miserable and lonely. The idea also doesn't shake me from believing that Rose is his soulmate and the love of his life. My problem is with having the idea shoved in my face in the middle of Rose and the Doctor's story.
Someone in the reaction post over on Time & Chips commented something about how all this talk of Rose takes away from this being Donna's season. Rose has been a presence in the show almost contiuosly after Doomsday. Her shadow hung over Martha. Donna accepts this as part of the Doctor's life. His love and grief for Rose are part of him. Donna has been awesome this season. She's witty, gutsy, and wonderful.
Okay, back to the episodes in question. I have to admit that part of the thrill for me invovles the fact that I am a librarian. Many wonderful things were said about books and libraries. I was expecting it to be a little bit scarier. There were creepy moments but nothing as scary as Blink or The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.
Donna got to be awesome again with the whole kicking the door in. I bawled when her children disappeared and when she was pulled away from Lee (and a little more when he spotted her, but couldn't shout out in time). The episodes also left me even more worried about Donna's fate at the end of the season.
Still not convinced that the Doctor and River Song are married in the future. Moffat flung the idea in our face too many times. I don't have any idea what circumstance could have led him to telling her this secret. One more thing, why did she say that she was so sorry when she whispered it in his ear? That made no sense to me.
When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it will never end. But no matter how hard you try, you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies. And nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever, for one moment, accepted.
This part at the end really made me think of Rose. There can be no truly happy ending for her and the Doctor. This why I know my heart is going to be broken again by the last episode.
Rewatching the episodes made me like them better. I enjoyed the twisty nature of the story. Can't wait for next week! TWO MORE WEEKS UNTIL THE RETURN OF ROSE!!!!!
doctor who,