Sep 15, 2004 16:01
Wow, I haven't updated in a couple of days. Hm. I've started off posts like this before, I believe. The last one being the Alien Vs. Predator rant.
Derek, if you read this by tomorrow, I would like to talk to you in private, if you will have that. If not, then don't expect to see me for very long at Tuesday Guild.
School sucks. I have 15 days left until break. My parents are going to be in California that night. I was planning one big party that entire week, but things changed. They are getting my Aunt to come stay with me on the weekends and to stop by randomly. I don't want to be at my house the entire 10 days that I am off, except maybe to shower and do laundry. Any suggestions on where I may go? Talk to me.
What else can I say... oh, yes. Anybody who's not seen Road To Perdition yet needs to see it. Tom Hanks, not my favorite actor. At all. But the movie was done well. I enjoyed it. This means you, Fran, if you ever decide to get online and update.
I've become sick, too. This is not good. I'm all stuffed up, I have a sore throat, a headache, and I'm coughing. To top it off, I'm smoking Camel non-filters at the moment. Way to kill yourself, Bill.
At the moment, Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here has a meaning for me. Figure it out, win a cookie.