Making friends and influencing people

Jan 15, 2006 15:01

Don't you just love it when you think about something for long enough to decide what the proper course of action is, and then promptly fail to take it? I know I do.

I attended the fifth Potpie show on Friday night, another gem of utter hilarity brought to you (or, rather, to me, and only 4 of you) by the lovely and talented durden_kent and emotionaldyke.

I am unfailingly impressed with their abilities to not only create a new, amusing, and diverse show every month, but also to be there for the regular Comedysportz shows every week, to teach workshops, to help to educate, inspire, and support those people involved in Comedysportz. Russell is certainly shouldering more of the responsibility than Angie is, but both of them, along with povos (who, I would just like to mention, at this time, has already done so much more than his fair share for CSz, that he could completely stop contributing in any way, shape, or form, at this point, and would still remain, in my eyes, one of the "cornerstones" for as long as CSz Eugene is a reality) are the cornerstones on which CSz Eugene is built.

I decided yesterday that I was not going to post about this, that I would air my complaints to my friends and boyfriend, and would not "go public," in the interests of keeping the peace, and while that is probably the right thing to do, screw the right thing to do. I'm upset, and that's what livejournal is for, right? It's for bitching and whining, in a relative no fire zone, so here goes. I'm livid that so few members of CSz Eugene bother to show up and support these people who they often purport to be their friends. That month after month, going home and playing some Goddamned video game, watching some shit TV, or sitting around contemplating their navels seems to win out over going and supporting their friends, going and seeing a show that they know is going to be good. I know that there are some of you who had very good reasons not to show up, and that's fine. But I know that there are others who just didn't go, and I think that's possibly the worst sort of disrespect you could show these two people who have been there for you, and your "hobby" for so long. If you are a member of CSz Eugene, and you didn't go, not because you had a responsibility to your child, not because you were ill, not because there was some pressing life issue that had to be dealt with between the hours of 9:45 and 11:15pm on Friday, January 13th 2006, shame on you.

I'm not a part of CSz anymore, I realize this. I have my reasons, some of which you probably even know, or have guessed. Mostly, I just realize that I'm not a very good improvisor, and there are a million things in the world I can be mediocre at, I needed to stop putting the time and energy into being a mediocre improvisor, so that I could expend time and energy experiencing other forms of mediocrity. Because of my current non-involvement, I'm really no longer in any position to benefit from CSz existing, so the fact that I still do care probably baffles those of you who don't, but it's really as simple as this:

I love to see my friends improve. I love to see my friends excel. I love to see my friends succeed, and I love to be there, and to help in any way I can, and it baffles me that so many of you don't.

friendship, disappointment, rants, comedysportz

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