Weighing in

Jan 12, 2006 16:11

For some inexplicable reason, 4 days into my newfound workout regime, I had lost 3 pounds. It's only 3 pounds, and I'm the type of girl who fluctuates in weight by up to 5 pounds when butterflies in Africa flap their wings, but it was still kinda nice to see some sort of tangible result. The bad news is that I haven't been back to the gym since that day, but I have a very, very good reason to be so lax in my gym attendance so early in the game. You see, I had surgery on my gums on Tuesday. Going into the procedure I had little to no idea of what exactly it entailed, and was therefore fully unprepared for the aftermath. The aftermath is not good. I'm doing much better today than I was yesterday, which was much better than Tuesday, but still, it's pretty awful. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for my newfound negative reaction to Vicodin, which never used to bother me, but now seems to cause my health meter to fall somewhere between bearable nausea and violent sickness. The good news is that between the intense aching of my gums, and the nausea, all I’ve managed to keep down since Monday night (when, incidentally, I ate like it was going out of style) is 2/3 of a can of soup and a Yoplait yogurt, so I figure by the time I make it back to the gym again (Saturday, at the earliest, I imagine) I’ll probably have lost another couple of pounds.

Now, after all that, I feel the need to explain that I’m not actually actively trying to lose weight. I would like to be in much better shape than I am, optimistically, (which the lack of exercise combined with the lack of food for the last few days is certainly not going to help) or at least be in decent enough shape that I don’t find myself huffing and puffing at the mere prospect of running up a single flight of stairs.  (Dang, I'm breaking out in a sweat just thinking about it)  I wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds while I'm at it.  I still have some clothes hiding in the backs of drawers and closets that I wouldn't be opposed to being able to fit into again, but that's not a goal right now, right now I would mostly like to consentrate on developing healthier lifestyle habits in general, you know, maybe a little more excercise, maybe a little less pizza.  I have no plans to stop eating the foods that I love, but I'd like to maybe add a couple of healthier things to the regular mix.  That is, when I can eat again.


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