Jul 15, 2010 03:51
i'm like unbelievably excited for gville tomorrow. like i cant sleep excited.
even though i'm a little bit (not a lot) anxious... not knowing the plan for anything, really. like gayle and james are driving me up, but im not staying with them or like, hanging out with them the whole time. i dont have a place to stay thursday night... but im not worried, im just gonna wing it, you know? it'll be fun :) :) so here's the stuff i know for sure, i guess
10/11-ish: depart
4ish: mario will "hit me up to see what's up"
6:30ish: dinner at swamp with at least megan, hopefully more sisters
nighttime: partytime??
1:30: haircut + mall time with gayle
nighttime: partytimeeeeeeeee
3: kali's bday pool party at the estates
6: dinner at dockside
nighttime: partytimeeeeee
so basically i need to figure out thursday night, and friday morning... i think everything else is pretty much covered.
so. ex.cited.
cleared out my inbox to make room for the loads of drunk texts im expecting to send/receive hahaha
ok bedtime. PEACEEEE