I just got done reading all of Danielles online memories. And now i cant stop crying. I didnt know her, I only knew of her. And its very sad that shes gone. And it really hurts that alot of close friends to me are hurting so much. I can tell she was a very sweet person and was very loved. I always saw her around from when she was a Wildcat
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i just want to tell you in so many words how beautiful of a person you are inside and out. Lets just start with our friendship story. I first met Ashley in the 4th grade at Henry Elementary School, Where she was in Mrs.Delps class, and to be honest i didnt really like her, mostly becuase of her friend Ashlee Cox,but after a whole year of getting to know her and trying to ignore her choice in friends i decided that maybe she was a cool girl. But it wasnt till, 5th grade when we were both in mr.lomersons class that we actually became friends and that was mostly because we were both in Orchastra, but that year we had alot of fun and we became pretty close friends. So as the year grew and we transitoned into Middle School, that i really became best friends with miss romak. In 6th grade we were close friends, we both had Mrs.Demill science class and we both were in orchastra, and we both might i add had a certain diss regard for the no talking while the teachers talking rule, so we instantlly connected on that level. But it wasnt untill i was deply hurt by my so called best friends that i realized Ashley's wonderful and caring heart, she was there for me when my "fiends" werent she was there for me when my old friends were basically making fun of me because i wasnt the same as them. So from then on i learned to trust ashley. In 7th grade is when Ashley and i became the best of friends and we did almost everything together, making up dances, writting dreams for one another, sharing the boardwork answers, being loud, getting in fights, talking trash in a little notebook! ECT.. And only once i can remember being on the opposite end of an arguement form her. And as i recall it was over something that was really petty. My favorite memory of Ashley is At little anthonys before a U of A football game and we told my dad that we had to go to the bathroom, but really we wanted to take pictures in the picture booth, but it took longer than expected so we kept going back to my dad saying just a minute just a minute and finally we got them and we were almost late for the game! Its the little things that count with Ashley the Little memories that you remember the most almost as if those times would never end. Even tho Ashley moved in 8 th grade her and i have remained best friends and to this day we try to see eachother as much as we most certainly can. We still, are loud and make up dnaces, but a part of us has grown up and changed and so with it our friendship has too, even tho we might be approaching adult hood we still have our childish things we do, and that i hope never finds away to escape or friendship and i doubt it will considering we just recently made up a tv show with army men! But my point of this my dear ashee ashee (lol, i couldnt resist) is that you have nothing to be appologizing for you are a wonderful friend and dont ever doubt it. You have been more of a friend to me than people who i see everyday and that you should pride yourself on. Dont ever doubt yourself girl you are to good for insecurities! I lvoe you and i cant wait for the rest of our friendship to happen!--Love you..xoxo..Your Bestest Buddie-Anna Louise
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