"Bobby....YOU'RE AWESOME."
Truer words have never been spoken, Dean.
Loved the ghosts coming back for revenge, especially Meg. It made my heart break even more for her. And OMG they HAD to bring in two adorable little girls for Bobby, didn't they? Well, of course they did.
And ugh, I hate to say it, but Meg had a bit of a point with the whole Sam not sending Ruby back to hell thing. Those girls she's possessing....
Sammmmmmy. UGH.
And yeah, DEAN, all Castiel needs is a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. HIS BROTHERS DIED OK, AND--
Wait. Question. Where do angels go when they die?? Like....back to heaven? I'm so confused. I know they're not human, but they don't just pop out of excistence, right? They have to go SOMEWHERE. So....is there like an angel heaven?
*ahem* Anyway. Loved this episode. Dude, this season is effing amazing.
Also, anyone who hasn't seen these NEED to. I love these guys so much, ok? SO MUCH.
Click to view
Click to view
Also, I have not seen The Office yet. DON'T EVEN WORRY THOUGH BECAUSE I AM SO ON IT.
All right, in news outside fandom, my mom is here. I'm currently lounging in a hotel and I just took a shower that I don't have to share with fifteen people and I slept in a bed I don't have to haul myself into and that I actually FIT IN. Oh, and I went to see the specialist at National Jewish Medical Center, which is the hopsital to be at if you have a respiratory condition in the United States.
Today didn't start off that hot. I was doing even worse, barely able to make it a few feet without about passing out, and the stridor (which is basically wheezing) was worse...so this was a great time for me to see this particular doctor. She basically looked at me and went, "Yep, I think you have Vocal Cord Dysfunction. And oh, guess what, we're going to do a larangoscopy right now to verify."
Only she was much nicer about it than that (she was really a great doctor), but I've seen too much House and Grey's Anatomy. I know anything followed by oscopy means they're sticking a tube somewhere not very fun, and I promptly burst into tears. My imagination is just a tad overdramatic, and hey, I have kind of been having a bad week.
She was aweosme about the whole thing, and it really helped having my mom there. Basically, they numbed my nose and throat (not fun), and then stuck this tube with a scope on the end of it up my nose. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't pleasant, and needless to say, I had my eyes closed the whole time. She made me pant and cough and sing Happy Birthday (which, lol, sounded hilarious, what with the frickin' TUBE in my nose and all), and then showed me this breathing technique. After it was all over (it felt like it took hours, but I think it was really only about five minutes or so), they made me watch the DVD so I could look at my vocal cords.
If you've never seen your vocal cords, I hope you never have to. EW. Gross.
And whaddya know, I was formally diagnosed with Vocal Cord Dysfunction, with a side of chronic rhinitis to boot.
--I will be ok. This is not life-threatening in any way, shape, or form. I'll probably even outgrow it in a few years. The worst that could happen is that I pass out from hyperventilation. I AM getting air, it just doesn't feel like I am because my stupid vocal cords aren't opening enough.
--I've learned a really simple breathing technique that's helping already.
--Basically, my vocal cords have just "forgotten" how to do their job. I have to retrain them by using this technique, and a few others I will learn when I meet with a speech therapist in a follow up appointment in October. I also have to get tested for allergies.
--I should be back to my usual self in a few days if I rest and don't overstrain myself. Main concern is how weak I am/the nearly passing out factor, which can be solved with salt, apparently. Lots and lots of salt and rest. My mom is basically pouring salt onto anything I eat....and she IS making me eat. I haven't had an appetite at all the past week. I'm stuffed--I had three whole meals today lol.
--The rhinitis, which basically means I have constant post-nasal drip, can probably be solved with a nasal rinse, which I have to do twice a day and is not.....fun, but not bad, either. That should help offset VCD attacks.
--I am really susceptible to colds, pneumonia, and bronchitis. If something is going around, I catch it. I have to be really really careful when I'm sick because the VCD will probably now flare up any time I get a mild case of the sniffles.
--The inhaler the doctor at my campus' medical center gave me? It makes the VCD worse, which explains why I've been steadily getting weaker and feeling crappier over the past couple of days.
--Anxiety is a natural symptom of VCD and I'll probably need to stay on Xananx. Which I do not like, but don't have much choice in apparently lol.
I'm so glad there are more good points than bad. :D
After all of that, Mom took me out to a really awesome lunch and then we got manicures and pedicures and had a really awesome dinner. I'm loopy already from the Xanax, wiped, am so glad my mother is here, and I HAVE ANSWERS. YAY. 8D Ok, ok. Bed now for me.