no pare, sigue sigue!

May 27, 2008 23:19

 So.  Back from the NYC trip! It was a TON of fun--let me just say that if you ever have the opportunity to see In the Heights, on or off Broadway, GO FOR IT. It's a fantastic musical, and I was floored.

I am, however, ridiculously exhausted, and I havent been getting ANY sleep's like during and after crisis, my body refuses to sleep. I think I got....what, two and a half hours last night? And then tonight was my IB Theatre class play (Variations on the Death of Trotsky) which I directed and acted in, so I was freaking out about went well but wow. We didn't even get to run a wet tech until today and one of the cast members was missing. I was just about ready to tear my hair out.

Luckily it all worked out...I just over-stress.  I have a research paper due Friday (which...AH) and a stupid choir competition I have to leave early and GAH can it be Saturday now?

Mom is back, and Tina and I are home (Dad is getting here at the end of the week) so we'll all be together again for a while...we need that, I think. Mom does at least.

I'll try to post more about everything tomorrow. I'm just so damn tired...

theatre, real life, no pare sigue sigue, nyc

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