First order of business:
I have a pretty new SPN mood theme!!! See it? See it?! Isn't it shiny? :D :D It makes me oh-so-happy...even if it was a pain in the ass bit time consuming to set up. Now all I need is a shiny new LAYOUT that I need help making. D: Seriously, guys, if anyone knows how to tweak layouts for personal banners or set up layouts or whatever, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. You do me a favor, I do you a favor. I swear. :D
Second order of business:
I FINALLY convinced Lena to get a Livejournal, and I am shamelessly going to pimp her out to you guys. She's
lenalouwho, and trust me when I say that despite the fact there's barely anything in her journal as of now (she just got it tonight), she is a phenomenal writer, a regular old HP fangirl, a seriously amazing graphics maker, and will all around be a pretty awesome person to have on the f-list. She's learning LJ at the moment, but I'm going to get her involved in comms and teach her our ways. :D
Third order of business:
Slow going on the Big Bang front. I need the final 20,000 word draft by of now, I have 4, 272 words. Not promising. I've churned stuff out in a couple nights before, but....-is wary- I really don't want to have to drop-out! This is such a good fic idea, and I really want some artwork to go with it. D: D:
Fourth order of business:
I'm about to go watch Brokeback Mountain. I started it last night, got past the tent make-out scene, and passed out. This is one of my all-time favorite movies, and I thought I'd lost it--found it when I was cleaning out my closet, haha. Oh, Ennis. Oh, Jack. OH HEATH. D: D: D:
(Am I the only one who cannot avert my eyes from Jake Gyllenhaal's prettiness? I find myself staring at him for the majority of the movie, marveling at how lovely he is. Cowboy-ness suits him, heh heh. And Heath Ledger is easy on the eyes, too, but--wow. His acting. I am floored by his range and skill....I'm gonna miss seeing him in movies even more now. *sniff*)