~I was already cracking up when I saw the flashback to Hell House. I absolutely adored that episode, and I knew this was gonna be a good one.
~OMG. SERIOUSLY?! I'm freaking dying of laughter at the supreme dorkiness of this and the similarity it has to other "ghost hunter" shows. Plus, the writer's strike crack? *giggle*
~\o/ GAY LOVE SUBPLOT AHOY! It's really sad how cute I find this, isn't it?
~I spent the first five minutes or so of this ep waiting for Sam/Dean to suddenly pause it and go, "HOLY SHIT DUDE WE HAVE TO GO TO THE MORTON HOUSE." I seriously did not think it was possible they would film the whole episode (or basically the whole episode) in this schlocky reality TV style. Yeahhh, I'm a tad slow on the uptake. *cough* I love how the boys roll in, music blaring, and you don't even have to see the Impala to know it's them.
~This is sheer brilliance. As
theladyscribe(and practically every SPN fan on the f-list) has already celebrated before me: THE F-WORD IS CANON. I always knew our boys had dirty, dirty mouths. Who knew it would take reality TV to show us the light?
Why all us fangirls are so pleased about the swearing is beyond me...probably because we can feel all superior and canon in fic when we make the boys curse up a storm or whatever. And also because it is kind of hot.
~My love for Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki has perhaps tripled. I don't know why, but this episode just makes me want to hug both of them even more than usual. They are so freaking cute, and so...gruff and experienced and knowledgeable and awww. It makes me giggle.
~So. CREEPY. What the hell, that is one effing sick birthday party. -hides- Poor, poor Corbett. *sigh* I knew the ep couldn't be all laughs. After all, what is SPN without TEH DRAMA?
~Omg. "Gay love can pierce through the veil of death..." AHAHAHAHA I LOVE THIS SHOW'S WRITERS. They're just being mean, now. It's not fair to toy with the fangirls, srsly. I'm not even a true Wincester (even if it is kinda hot) and that makes me laugh.
~Aww, Corbett saved the day! What a cutie. I hope he finds less exploitive gay love in the great beyond. <3
~DEAN STOLE THE GHOSTFACERS SOUNDTRACK. I hope the boys play that everywhere they go from now on.
Dear Lord, next week looks amazing. As if John hadn't screwed Dean up enough, he has to guilt trip him from the effing grave? OMG that poor guy does not need anymore angst, let alone daddy issues!
Awwwwwwww, TOBY!!!!!! D: D: D:
As much of a Jim/Pam shipper as I am, Toby is so adorable. And so painfully shy and--omg. *cries* I feel so bad for him. Jim saw his hand on Pam's knee and you can see him trying so damn hard to process it. DOES NOT COMPUTE. Poor, poor Toby.
Lolz, I love how every time Jim is left "in charge," he manages to somehow screw it up.
Plus, drugged Ryan, ahahaha. And Dwight making-out with a basketball player. *snorts*
I love this show. Seriously.
So, haha, in slightly less fangirlish news (I LOVE THURSDAY NIGHTS OMG), I am participating in National Day of Silence tomorrow. For those who don't know, it's held throughout schools across the US (and probably in other countries, too)--hundreds of thousands of students participate in it by remaining silent for an entire school day. It's basically to support LGBT people, and to fight hatred and prejudice through silence. I'm carrying around this speaking card tomorrow:
Silent for Lawrence King
Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence (DOS), a national youth movement bringing attention to the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by anti-LGBT bullying, name-calling and harassment. This year’s DOS is held in memory of Lawrence King, a 15 year-old student who was killed in school because of his sexual orientation and gender expression. I believe that ending the silence is the fi rst step toward building awareness and making a commitment to address these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today.
What are you going to do to end the Silence?
Thankfully, this is going to be a schoolwide event. Of course, there'll be the ignorant asses who will spend all day calling everyone participating faggots and will do their best in general to demoralize us, but I could care less. I think this is really important, and to hell with anyone who looks down on me for it. I'll have my boyfriend and friends to have my back if anyone tries to say or do anything to me, so I'm not worried.
Heh, well, I'd better get to bed. I'm up way too late, and tomorrow is going to be a really, really long day. xD