
Apr 22, 2008 18:48

My life? Is so boring. It basically consists of school and work, and not much in between.

I did have to go kayaking yesterday in gym P.E. (the P.E. teachers get pissed if you call it gym, for some moronic reason) in the school pool. Yes, you read that correctly--they stick us in frigging KAYAKS. In the POOL. There are so many of us, it's hard to learn the right strokes because we keep bumping into each other. Oh, and they made us use these kayak skirts to try to keep the water out, but we had to practice rolling over in them (for safety reasons), which basically means that you are stuck under the kayak and have to blindly fumble for the emergency removal pull thingie. OMG SCARY.

I'm super lucky and have two P.E. classes one right after another, since I missed a P.E. credit last year when I was in Shanghai, and my stupid school requires four credits to graduate. Why my guidance counselor felt it neccessary to schedule them on the same day, two periods in a row, is a mystery to me. *sigh* I seriously loathe D-days (that's my P.E. day on the block schedule) with all my soul. The other unit I have at the moment is wiffle ball....which It's like weenie baseball or something. 8D At least I don't completely suck at it.

Hah, well, to relieve my boredom, I'll do the memes from

russiantwinz! I wish I had more interesting things to write about...I should start coming up with a topic to discuss every week or something, or at least something to essay about. I need more in depth entries. x(

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 random things, facts, goals, or habits about yourself. At the end, choose anyone you think may answer - to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment (you're it!) and to read your blog for instructions. You can't tag a person who has tagged you.

10. My conscience is way over-active. The first time I went through a red light just as it was changing, I felt so horrible I wanted to die. I was certain the cops would show up at my house and haul me away like the worthless scum I was. I screen my calls? I'm the worst person in the world. If I don't answer an email fast enough? I'm a disappointment. I've even been known to feel bad for calling my worst enemy a bitch--my friends think I'm ridiculous, but I still feel guilty about that one (it was four years ago) even if she deserved it.
9. I'm obsessive about having music playing while I'm driving. I literally CANNOT drive unless I have something playing, and I'm even more OCD about what song is playing. xD
8. I have a really hard time making friends online. This is werid, because I don't have much trouble with it in real life--I think it's because I'm shy, and it's a lot easier to hide/be invisible on the net. It took me over a year to get ANY friends at all on LJ, and even longer to make actual connections with some of them. I'm trying to work on being more outgoing, lolz. xD
7. I kind of want to be on TV some day. Shh, don't laugh. I can have my ridiculous fantasies, ok?!  
6. My thoughts come in the form of narration--like, my whole life is a book, and I'm the narrator. Seriously, it's kind of weird. Does anyone else do that? Does everyone?
5. I can wiggle both ears, either simultaneously or one at a time.
4. I have honestly tried to get to the highest level at I almost succeeded--one level away, aghhhhhh!
3. I habitually drink flavored Polar seltzer. It's delicious and has absolutely nothing in it besides seltzer and and natural flavoring. <3 Accquired taste, maybe, but it's better than soda.
2. I get along with my mom pretty well and actually like hanging out with her.
1. I still sleep with a stuffed bear. His name is Michael. :D

Hmm...let's see, I tag anyone who wants to do this, because I'm lazy. And also, I want to know all about you guys!


The Rules: 
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open it on page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Copy the next three sentences into your blog.
5. Tag five people.

And there was Shorty, a volatile fellow so convinced that the mines would take him that he spent a month AWOL. In July he came back to the field, joking but still unsure of it all. One day, when it was very hot, he sat on a booby-trapped 155 round.

If I Die in a Combat Zone (Box Me Up and Ship Me Home) by Tim O'Brien

And I think I'll tag
vorpaleris(who I extend a very belated welcome to! I'm glad to have you aboard. :D)!  Oh, and please, anyone who else who wants to do this, feel free. xD

Hah, well I think I've suficiently wasted enough time. I should probably go read A Streetcar Named Desire, my English teacher's latest idea of a good time. SOMEBODY PLEASE AIM ME. All my RL friends are away. *sniff* I'm silverbella16--I'd love to talk to anyone else who's on! (I'm away atm, but don't let that fool you. I usually have an away message up; 95% of the time I'm there.)

real life, what i do when i'm bored, meme

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