
Apr 10, 2008 19:44

My teeth are literally chattering right now. My cold is pretty much gone, but starting last night and stretching all throughout today, I'm having these horrible chills and body-ache. GRAW. I don't get it....this cold wasn't even particularly bad! All that's left of it (beside the chills/fever) is a cough! I feel fine otherwise. : \

In brighter news, Spring Break started today!! I'm pretty excited...we have all of next week off, and if I can off work, I might get to go to Montreal for a few days with my mom and sister. That could be really cool. Last night I spent the night at my friend Jenna's house and we saw Vantage Point...which was, um, lame. Completely. It was pretty good up until they repeated the same stupid footage for the billionth time....and then, of course, the ending was a total cop-out. There was absolutely no explanation for any of the events that took place in the movie! It seems like there were all these great ideas and interesting twists, but when it came time to end the movie, the writers had no idea what to do, so they were like, "Hmmm.....let's make a 'statement' about the war and how no one really knows what we're fighting about and how the world is eternally screwed over."

Like I said: LAME.

Today, after I came home from Jenna's, I basically took a hot, hot bath (followed by a hot, hot shower) to try to warm myself up, and then crawled under the covers, curled up into a tiny ball, and tried to warm up for two and a half hours before I forced myself to go to work. Thankfully, after I took IB Proufen, I started feeling lots better....and I swear, those kids are so good for me. I've been working solely with the pre-schoolers, and honestly, I hope Cheryl (the center director) keeps me there.The kids are so adorable, even at their brattiest, and I love them after just a little over a week working there. They call me either Teacher Alex or Miss Alex and paint me pictures and beg me to play with them or order me to pick them up and give them piggy-back rides....and it's just....I love it, you know? Even today, when this one little kid, Killian, was completely disobeying me and every other "teacher," I couldn't help biting back a grin because I knew that it wouldn't be long before he'd come forth, head hanging, and distribute hugs and bashful apologies. I'm not used to enjoying my job--when I worked at Fruit & Salad Co., I never looked forward to work, and I pretty much gritted my teeth the whole time. At the daycare, the time pretty much flies by and I get actual enjoyment out of it. \o/

Also, the return of The Office? MADE ME LOL SO HARD. Jesus, Michael and Jan are the two most dysfunctional people on that show. You know it's bad when Dwight looks weirded out, hahaha.

Ok, I'm going to try to read for a bit before I go to bed...the IB Proufen I just took will hopefully do its job and I'll be able to fall asleep/sleep throughout the whole night instead of waking up every hour like last night. xD

the office, my amazing job, real life, the joys of illness

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