I'm so indecisive.

Apr 02, 2008 23:35

Ok, so, I'm participating in
spn_j2_bigbang-- which, for those who don't know, is a Supernatural challenge for writers and artists. The rules are simple: write a story of 20,000 words if you're a writer, and an artist will draw/create something to go along with your piece. I'm writing a story....or at least, I signed up, and I'm going to write the damn story. I--I just...

I'm indecisive, ok?!

The deadline is May 1st (for first drafts) and I know I should have started ages ago, but yeah, I procrastinate. And I have more free time now anyway!

So, even if you've never watched an episode of Supernatural in your life and have no idea what I'm talking about, tell me which sounds better....I'm not going to have anything too revealing, 'cause to be honest I'm not sure if this is in compliation with the rules or not, but I can't see how it's breaking them either, so...

Poll HELP ME!!!! Please?

Grawr. I'm actually leaning more towards plot one, but I've been mulling over both plotlines for God only knows how long. And then, I'm sure, when I DO pick a plot, I'll be like, "DUDE. Should I do THIS, too, do you think? And, and, and would it be weird if I added this? And how will I make this work?" and just generally overcomplicate things, haha. I have a couple memes I've been tagged for/asked to do, but right now, I'm too lazy tired to manage the longer ones, so I'll go with this one, since I don't really have to do anything, lol:

Based entirely on my personality, hunt down a "played by" or famous person (actor/actress/musician/whatever) who you think would best represent me. Reply here with the picture or link.

This person may be male or female depending on how *I* strike you.

Sounds fun? HELL YES. And now I'm off to bed before I die of exhaustion.

poll, big bang woes, meme, decisions decisions

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