At Least One Sunny Day.

Apr 03, 2007 23:01

It was good to get out into that brisk, almost-summer air, finish off building a fence and pour a concrete slab. It's funny, because at this time last year, I would have agreed if anyone called me the laziest person on the planet. Now, a 40 hour week is just the bare minimum of actual work I do, I almost put in a full day on my days off as well. And that's on top of volunteer work. The only thing I regret not doing today was taking my bike out for a spin, but I guess I can just wait for the next sunny day.
Which, by the sounds of it, should be around sometime in July.
Ironically, I lost all that joy and enthusiasm I wrote about last time by the next morning. I don't know what came over me, but a couple things didn't go my way, and everything just slid downhill for a couple days. It wasn't anything bad, I just had no joy left. I felt better today, in a large part from the sun and working out in it, and I hope it sticks. I have Friday off as a holiday, but apparently they're calling for rain, which isn't so fun and exciting. Jordan and I have another hike planned, and all-dayer... I'd be all kinds of sad if we couldn't go. But I want to do something, I couldn't imagine just sitting around!
The play ended on Sunday, and mostly everyone I invited made it out. Actually... no never mind. Less than half of the tickets I gave out ended up coming, but some of the more important ones did come. Check out my facebook album for the pictures I took. Later, when the more professional ones are taken, I'll add those. I just checked the link I just posted, and it told me that you have to have a Facebook account to view the pictures. Well guess what.
Time for you to get a Facebook account.
So some pretty big things are stirring, and I'm not just talking about getting hungry. I hope things work out well, but I'll know more after lunch tomorrow, after I have an important meeting. That meeting is followed by another important meeting at work, which is followed by more important meetings. Well actually there are only the two important meetings, I just wanted to see how many times I could get away with saying important meeting.
Just kidding.
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