Life is beautiful, and so are you.

Mar 30, 2007 23:48

Wow, I have to say this has been one of the most amazing weeks of my life.
I talked before about how I don't do well at all with downtime, so as if in dramtic irony, fate decided that I wouldn't get any! And normally, in the past, I'd have been exhausted just crawling out of bed. But now... I've gone a whole week without a moment's rest, and I'm still capable of going on. A "renewal of the mind," I believe it to be. Stop seeing work as such a stupid, pointless waste of time, and you get through the day much better.
On Tuesday, Jordan and I enjoyed a fantastic hike up Mike Lake area, which neither of us were in shape for at all. I can't speak for him, but it took till today for me to be able to move without looking completely retarded. That means one thing though. Need to do it more. Need to do alot of things more, including work. I'm up to six days a week solidly now, and if I can get some more paying jobs at night, I should be doing quite well I think. With some interesting opportunities on the horizon, I'm pretty excited for this summer. And not just for all the sun and the motor bike riding that comes of it.
The first shot of the play went really well today. I have pictures of the cast, but I wont post them yet, because you probably haven't seen the play yet. So you can see them on Sunday or Monday or whenever I find the time to put them up!'
What else. Today I wasn't particularily looking forward to, because I got suffled out to Chilliwack to pick up their slack there, and it's kind of an inconvienience to drive all the way out there. But I do it, and do it joyfully, and today went pretty well. They have an nice store, and a nice staff, but ultimately the girls at my store are much nicer and much prettier. Except for Jody, cause she can be a big meany sometimes!
Just kidding Jody. =P
There's alot of interesting things happening behind the scenes, but it's all stuff you have to wait for. No fun spilling the beans prematurely. Have patience!
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